
(sharon) #1


october 2017

SHAPE: Warrior 2. Set the legs in a
way that feels natural and doesn’t hurt your
knees. Keep equal weight through both feet
and both arms extended evenly.

ACTIONS: Reach super long through
the middle finger of both arms, and expand
the chest to the thumbs. The upper back
should stretch all the way out to the pinky
side of the hand. Balance your feet by
pushing into the outer blade of your back
foot and big toe of your front. For one more
action, take your inner front sitting bone,
(it’s specific I know!) to the inside of your
front knee.

SHAPE: Twisted Lunge. Find a deep
twist toward the leg side of your lunge,
hook the elbow past the knee and point it

ACTIONS: Extend again from the
crown of your head to your back heel, look
for space through this line any way you
can. When twisting to the right, take the left
side of your chest and move it toward the
top. To add another layer, take your back
left ribs (think behind your left ear) and take
them down towards the ground. Those two
actions working together will change your
life and work with every twist. (Don’t forget
to repeat on the other side!)

SHAPE: Handstand. Some of us might
be balancing against a wall for this, and
that’s all you need. The shape is the same as
a perfect standing posture with your hands,
shoulders, outer hips and ankles in one line.

ACTIONS: Here, it’s all about finding
lift. Push down with the hands and lengthen
the arms as much as you can, then lift your
inner ankles up the wall ... a lot! As much
as you can, try to get taller and taller. As a
bonus you can work with all the actions in
the arms from plank and take your tailbone
toward your heals for more length in the low



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