
(sharon) #1

How to do it,

why you should,

and the secrets

to making

inversions less

scary, more stable,

and a tonne of fun.


october 2017

I LOVE INVERSIONS. Considering most
of our lives are spent with our heads
held high, legs below, reversing this
arrangement feels like a refreshing
change of pace. Plus, it’s got lots of
benefits. For starters, inversions build
upper-body strength, balance, and
confidence, and they prompt you to
see the world from a new perspective
(literally!). Moving into postures where
your head is lower than your heart also
helps to prevent lymphatic fluid from
pooling in your legs (a result of our
upright lives), while increasing
circulation to your brain—a combo
that instantly boosts energy. Then,
there’s the fact that inversions can be
just plain fun. They give us an
opportunity to get a little playful with
our practice and not take ourselves so

Of course, I understand that not
everyone loves going upside down.
Some inversions can be frightening,
especially at first. It takes a lot of
strength—and trust in that strength—
to stand on your own two hands or
forearms. But with the right instruction,
there’s a good chance you’ll find
yourself looking forward to going
upside down and feeling more self-
assured once you get there.
Practice the five inversions on the
following pages in the order that they
appear, holding each as long as you
can before your form begins to suffer.
(If you have a neck injury, epilepsy,
eye problems, a heart condition,
or high blood pressure, talk to your
doctor beforehand.) I hope these
inspire a new outlook on your
practice—and your life.
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