
(sharon) #1


october 2017

This is a wonderful shoulder opener that helps you get used to the feeling of
bearing weight in your forearms. Because of this, it’s a great precursor to Pincha
Mayurasana (Forearm Balance) and Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand). But
before you move on to try either of those poses, make sure you’re able to hold
Dolphin Pose for at least 1 minute.

HOW TO From Downward-Facing Dog, lower onto your forearms and step back
into Forearm Plank. This is an important step because it stacks your shoulders
directly over your elbows, which is key in Dolphin Pose. From Forearm Plank,
walk your feet toward your hands, working toward stacking your hips and torso
over your shoulders (shown). As you do this, be sure your elbows stay at shoulder
width (no wider), and keep your forearms parallel to one another. Finally, press
your hips back and engage your legs as you try to redistribute weight from your
upper body to your lower body.

If your shoulders
are tight (something
that’s particularly common
in men), rather than keeping
your forearms parallel, as
shown, bring your hands
together and clasp
your fingers.

Hug your
forearms in to keep
your elbows
from moving out
wider than your

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