
(sharon) #1

your practice


october 2017


5 Anjaneyasana

Low Lunge, variation

Shift back into Low Lunge with your back
left knee on the floor. For maximum
stability and traction in the spine, stay on
your left toe mounds. Reach both arms up,
gently arching your spine—just enough to
open your front body without overly
compressing your lower back. (Optional:
Reach back for your outer left thigh with
your right hand, as shown.) Reach your
spine up and away from your back foot
with long, smooth breaths for 45 seconds.

6 Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
Revolved Side Angle Pose
Come back to High Lunge. On an inhalation,
reach your left hand forward. On an
exhalation, twist your torso to reach your
left elbow around your right thigh. Keep
your back full and broad as you press your
right knee and left elbow together, then
move your right hip back and lift your left
knee off the mat. Stay here for 45 seconds,
taking long, full breaths.

8 Ankle-to-Knee Pose

Untwist your body, face forward, and place
your right ankle on your left knee so that
your shins are stacked. If your hips are tight,
support your knees with blocks, or sit on
a blanket (or bolster) to protect your knee
joints. Stretch your arms straight out in front
of you—fingertips on the floor—and fold
forward from your hip joints, using your
hands as leverage to lengthen your spine.
Breathe deeply and relax your jaw for 1
minute, then repeat with your opposite shin
on top.

9 Navasana
Boat Pose
From a seated position, lift your feet off
your mat so your thighs make a 45-degree
angle with the floor. Keep your knees bent
with shins parallel to the floor, or straighten
your legs and stretch your arms parallel
to each other (shown). You can also place
your hands behind your knees for more
support. No matter which expression your
Boat takes, root your sitting bones into the
ground so your spine stays long. Stay here
for 30 seconds. Next, hug your knees into
your chest and roll up to Chair Pose.

10 Bakasana
Crane Pose
From Chair Pose, place your hands on the
ground and bring your knees into your
armpits. Bend your elbows and lift your
hips higher than your shoulders, balancing
on your hands. Then, bring your big toes
to touch. Look and lean forward,
squeezing your inner arms and legs toward
the midline. Stay here, breathing deeply,
for 30 seconds.
Repeat poses 1–8 on the left and Navasana.
Skip 10 and move on to 11.

7 Ardha Matsyendrasana
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Come out of the standing twist, shift your
right foot to the left, and slide your left knee
to the outside of your right foot so you can
sit down beside your left heel. Place your
left elbow around your right thigh with your
left fingertips on the floor. On an inhale, feel
your torso grow longer; on an exhale, twist.
Stay here for 1 minute, breathing slowly and
twisting more deeply on every exhalation.
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