
(sharon) #1


october 2017

11 Parsva Bakasana
Side Crane Pose
From Crane Pose, move into Chair Pose
again, then twist your left elbow around
your right thigh—the higher you can get
your elbow on your thigh, the better.
Place your hands on the floor and gather
your elbows in toward the midline, as if
moving into Chaturanga. As you move your
weight forward to balance on your hands,
track along a diagonal, leaning your face
and torso toward your right hand as you
bring your shins parallel to the floor. Stay
here, breathing deeply, for 25 seconds

12 Eka Pada Koundinyasana I
One-Footed Pose Dedicated to the
Sage Koundinya I
From Side Crane, engage your quadriceps
to straighten your legs, taking your top leg
up and back and your bottom leg out to
the right. Squeeze your elbows in toward
the midline and use your feet to create an
“in and up” force. Breathe deeply for 15–20
seconds here, and try to find a sense of
playfulness in this pose!

Repeat poses 11 and 12 on the other side

14 Grasshopper Pose
From Standing Pigeon (standing on
your left foot), move your right hand
forward a few inches and bring the sole
of your right foot onto your right upper
arm. Move your elbows in toward the
midline as you lean slightly toward your
left hand. Keep your right foot active and
press through the left big-toe mound.
Smile from deep inside as you work
toward floating your left leg. Repeat on
the opposite side.

15 Uttanasana
Standing Forward Bend
From Tadasana, bend your knees and fold
forward from your hips, keeping your spine
long. Place your hands on your shins, the
floor, or under your feet. As you exhale,
start straightening your legs, lifting your
sitting bones as you tip your pelvis forward.
Keep your spine long, relax your mind, and
breathe here for 1 minute.

13 Standing Pigeon Pose
From Tadasana, shift your weight onto your
left foot and cross your right ankle directly
above your left knee, so that your foot is
flexed and hanging slightly off to the side
of your left leg. Find your drishti and sink
into your hips as you bend your standing
knee. Place your hands at your hips, heart,
or on the floor. Feel your hip opening
deeply. Stay here, breathing deeply, for
45 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.
(If your hips don’t feel open enough to
move on to the next pose, stay here.)

16 Padmasana
Lotus Pose
Lie down; take an easy twist on both
sides. Then, rest in Savasana for at least 5
minutes, letting your active muscles find
ease while light fills your heart. Next,
come up into Sukhasana (Easy Pose) or
Padmasana and fold forward with your
hands in Anjali Mudra. Feel the peace in
your heart and the ease in your body—
then ask for what you’d like to manifest and
let it go. Focus your mind on calmness and
acceptance, which will give your intention
some space.
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