
(Nancy Kaufman) #1
had, but we were just kind of outmanned. We would have had
some scars for sure.
The last time I injured myself onstage
We were in France with Against Me! about two months ago,
we were in Le Havre. Three songs in I jump up in the air and
I come down on my right leg
and my calf just ripped. I was
able to power through the [re-
maining] shows just hammer-
ing down booze, cos I was in
pretty critical pain. I got home
and the doctor was like, “It’s re-
ally bad, you came down with
so much force on the stage
that you ripped your calf mus-
cle from the bottom up.” It’s a
10-week recovery, and I’m five
weeks in. It’s starting to fuse
back together which is rad, but
now I got this thing on the right
side of the leg, my leg’s basical-
ly going numb. So I might have
to legit chop my leg off. I hope
not, but there’s some fucked up
shit happening in my leg and
I’ve gotta go get another MRI.
If I show up in Australia and
I’ve got one leg you know why.
The last time someone sang my
lyrics back at me
Last week when I was DJ’ing.
I get super stoked on stuff like
that. Lyrics mean a lot to me
and the fact that they mean a lot
to other people, that means the
world to me. The funny thing is,
and the thing that I hate, is peo-
ple sing the wrong lyrics to me
all the time. Like not even close,
dude. Not even in the same ball-
park of the right words! And I
always wonder, what is going on
in your head? And we print the
lyrics in all our fucking records
so there’s no excuse! [Laughs]
People just gotta dig in a little
more, put in the work.
The last time I was starstruck
There’s certain frontmen I get super nervous around. And one
of them is Dave Quackenbush from the Vandals for some reason. I
always thought he was the coolest frontman ever, and we’ve hung
out like a million times. I can hang out with Dave Grohl and fuck-
in’ all these monster musicians and famous people and be totally
I freeze! It’s so funny how stuff like that works. They were such a
big band for me growing up, it’s super funny. ROD YATES

The last time I went to a Lakers game
Last season. My brother bought me tickets for my birthday, Lak-
ers versus Celtics. We had really great seats and the Lakers got de-
stroyed. [Laughs] But we had so much fun. I like talking shit. I like
yelling at the players. I like starting awkward chants that make
people uncomfortable. I’m a big fan
of the experience!
The last thing I regretted eating
I’ve only had food poisoning
once, and that was in the UK. I
went to this sketchy kebab place,
and I got this chicken kebab and
it’s like, fucking pink. I’m not wired
to really inspect food. Obviously I
look at it, but it didn’t really process
to me that it might be bad. But I ate
it, and I was puking, it was horrible.
We had to play a show and I was
puking and playing and it was so
gross. It was a big part of me start-
ing to go vegetarian. It was not a
cool experience.
The last time I hung out with Char-
lie Sheen
Coachella! That was amaz-
ing. He was a mess. A legitimate
mess. And he had this crazy hot
chick with him, but she looked
like she was just along for the ride.
I don’t know what her deal was, no
judgment, but she didn’t look like
she was in love with him. He got
kicked out of Coachella for being
a drunken nuisance. You figure at
some point people have to just stay
inside. But not him.
The last time I feared for my life
Probably about three years ago.
We got held up at knife point in
Italy. These [AC Milan] soccer fans
thought we were Russian dudes,
Zenit fans, and I guess there was
some big beef between the two
soccer teams. We were sitting
waiting at a bus stop, and out of
nowhere comes this squad of eight,
nine dudes, they all had weapons

  • one’s got a giant knife, the other
    one has a hammer, the other one’s got a knife – and they’re scream-
    ing at us in Italian. We don’t understand shit. We were like, “Los
    Angeles! Los Angeles! California!” It was this super intense two-
    to-three-minute standoff, we’re just screaming at each other. Fi-
    nally they started talking back and forth to each other, and they
    just ran off. Obviously we would have fought with everything we

“I might have to legit chop my leg off.
If I show up in Australia and I’ve got
one leg, you know why.”




The Bronx’s new album, V, is out on September 22nd. They’re
touring Australia with Pennywise in October and November.

90 | Rolling Stone | October, 2017

Matt Caughthran

The Bronx frontman on bad chicken kebabs, being
attacked by a knife-wielding gang, and losing a leg
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