Surfing Life — Issue 337 2017

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Super fun waves, options in
all swell directions, gin-clear
water, low crowds and ‘in
season’ all year-round. So why
the hell are people bypassing a
trip to the Telos?
“Telos has a bit of a reputation
for cashed-up kooks,” says Surfing
Life senior photographer Andrew
“It’s a lot of money. Even the
cheaper budget camps are pretty
Shieldsy’s not wrong; a week-
long stay at some of the more
popular surf camps on the islands
can fetch upwards of $8000, and
that can be a hard sell when you

can get yourself the same amount
of time on a boat in the Ments for
less than half the price. But hey, this
is Indo we’re talking about. Surely
there is a cheaper option?
“You definitely can do it on
the other end of the spectrum,”
Shieldsy said.
“There are homestays you can
stay at for backpacker prices. But
you will be getting around to the
breaks on a wooden canoe with a
whipper-snipper on the back, and
your food will mostly consist of
just rice.
“Also, the cost of the charter
flight can put people off. But going
the other option can be a little

difficult. You’ll have to fly to Nias,
drive for two-and-a-half hours,
then get on a ferry for six hours to
reach Telo.”
But if you do have the coin to
splash, or are willing to endure the
travel mission, you will be rewarded
for your efforts, with some of the
best small- to medium-sized wave
setups in Indonesia.
“That’s definitely the attraction.
It doesn’t get as much swell as
somewhere like the Ments, it’s
normally a foot or two smaller,”
adds Shieldsy.
“But it is a lot less crowded,
and when it’s small you have got
at least four or five good spots to

go to. In the Ments, all you have is
Another bonus is you don’t have
to rely on seasons like other areas
in Indonesia, with spots that work
well with the west swells during
monsoon season. This means that
you can book your trip during the
Christmas break, and not feel like
you’re getting skunked.
“If you are a big-wave charger
then you’d be better looking
somewhere else,” says Shieldsy.
“But if you know your
limitations, you’re going to have a
lot more fun than overextending
yourself at somewhere that gets
bigger swells.”

The Telo Islands

It’s not Greenbush life and death lefts.
But shit a brick, it looks like fun.

Top to bottom and grinding. While it’s not a big
wave destination, the old girl still has her days.
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