Surfing Life — Issue 337 2017

(nextflipdebug5) #1



Sitting in the middle of
nowhere surrounded by
nothing but deep water and
raw ocean, nothing tests your
steel as a surfer more than a
You won’t ever feel smaller in
your entire life, than bobbing in
the middle of an ocean teeming
with marine life while swells rise
sharply out of deep water and
shatter onto a rock or reef ledge.
Paddling into a bombie is the
biggest commitment in surfing,
and it will also make you feel
more alive than you ever have
been before. Which is ironic,
because it could be the closest to
death you’ll ever be. The true Yin
and Yang of surfing.
Out to sea there are no
landmarks to guide you. The
best ticket out here is patience,
and holding your nerve. And
then some more patience. Watch
plenty of waves from the channel
and mind surf the take-off and
sections before you physically do
it. Large doses of watching waves
are required to survive a pulsing
bombie session. Even then it’s no
guarantee you will.

Are you ready
for this?
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