Kayak Session Magazine — Fall 2017

(Michael S) #1


At NRS we made our name building necessary gear for important purposes. Our

dry bags keep your gear dry, our drysuits keep you warm, and our life jackets

keep you safe. But sometimes we build things just for fun, for the simple joy of

sport. And when we do, our approach is no less serious. Our new Whip inflatable

SUP won’t save your life, or keep your undies dry, but it will help you shred—

anytime you want, anywhere there’s a wave. Choose the Whip 7'8" for the ultimate

park-and-play inflatable, or the Whip 9'2" for downriver antics and catching waves

on the fly. Store the Whip in our SUP Travel Pack and it’s ready to go at a moment’s

notice, whether you’re traveling by car, skateboard, motorcyle or 747.



Erik Boomer, Lunch Counter Rapid
on Snake River, WY

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