Chat It’s Fate — August 2017

(Brent) #1
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Tasty crab:
Another life?
Mighty Thor:
Big drinker

Compiled by Kirsten Riddle

Chat it’s fate 21

Eye candy

You doughnut!

Shellfish behaviour!

Eating out


eard the phrase
‘drink the ocean
dry’? According to Norse
legend, the God Thor was
challenged to drinking
contest by the giant
He failed to drain his horn
despite his best efforts as
the giant had connected it
to the ocean. As a mark of
respect for Thor’s bravery,
the seas rose and fell every
day, and the tides that reveal
our sandy beaches were born!

Did you know?


ugary and sweet, it’s easy to see why
doughnuts are associated with love.
It’s the shape that’s important. A solid
round doughnut signifies completeness
and will help to cement a partnership,
particularly if shared together.
If you’re looking for love, then plump
for one with a hole. As you eat, visualise
the doughnut complete, while picturing
yourself in the arms of your ideal partner.
Jam is essential.
Go for strawberry if you’re looking for lasting
romance, or raspberry for flirty fun.^


pun sugar, or candy floss
as it’s better known, has
been popular since the
18th Century.
Originally called fairy floss
because of its light-as-air
appearance and super sweet
taste, it’s easy to imagine it as a
popular fey treat.
In reality, any sugary gift was a
common offering to the Brazilian
and African Gods, and used in
magic to get swift results.
However, a sticky candy
floss face is not the best
look to draw admirers!
Instead, eat while
imagining yourself smothered
in pink floss. You’ll win hearts
without the extra mess!


ant to warm the cockles
of your heart? Whether
the sun is shining or not,
eating cockles has long
been thought of as a way
to lift the spirits.
The shells were used
by the ancients in spells
for love, friendship and
communication, so even if
you don’t like the taste you
can still benefit.
Get out on the beach and
search for a cockle shell.
Once you’ve found one that
appeals, place it by mementos
and photos of happy holidays,
outings with friends and family, and
uplifting quotes.


re you partial to a delicious crab dinner?
Then you’re onto a winner!
Crabs are thought to have highly
protective qualities. The Japanese
would nail their shells to doors to
keep harmful energies at bay,
while in China the crab is a
symbol of success.
Our ancestors believed that
the crab was also associated
with rebirth because of the
way it could cast off its shell for
a shiny new one.

with a simple
affirmation to
re-enforce the
positive effects. In your
head, repeat: ‘Every
mouthful warms the
cockles of my
Always heart!Õ
keep crab
sticks on hand.
Nibble when you
need a confidence
boost or you feel

some on a
window ledge at
night as an offering
to the fairies. Whether
it’s there or not next
day, your token of
goodwill will be

dollop of
vanilla cream
enhances any
love wishes
made while

Shellfish behaviour!

You doughnut!

Cockle picker

Eye candy

Cockle picker
Free download pdf