Chat It’s Fate — August 2017

(Brent) #1

trip with Andrea

while on a

a trance

I was in

Brimstone Hill:
Sad history

As told to Anna Elsey Chat it’s fate 27

True life: Eerie in-flight entertainment

The spirits

of soldiers

killed during

the siege took

me over

flight giving
me messages for
her delighted
daughter. I didn’t
even get to eat!



It isn’t just while
I’m travelling that
I pick up on
spirits. They come
through to me
while I’m on
holiday, too.
In April 2004,
me, Barry and
Andrea were on the Caribbean
island of St Kitts for a
friend’s wedding.
While there, we visited
Brimstone Hill, a fort held
under siege during the Anglo-
French War in the 1700s.
Hundreds of soldiers, French
and British, lost their lives.
As we drove our hire car

the fort, I went
into a trance. During it,
I channelled the spirit of a
garrison commander.
‘We could see his face
transfigured over
yours,’ Barry
said when I was
myself again.
And, walking
round, the spirits
of soldiers killed
during the siege
took me over.
They told me
names, which we
later saw on
placards to
commemorate the
fallen troops.
But, disturbingly, I could
also feel how they died.
I picked up on their pain,
despair and fear.
Eventually, I couldn’t take
it any more.
‘I have to go,’ I said.
Back at our villa, I picked

up a pad
and pencil
from the
Sitting down,
my hand started
moving of its own accord
across the paper.
I stared as face after face
appeared, as I channelled
sketches of spirits!

Passed away
Later that evening, a local
bus driver came to pick
us up to take us to a
nearby restaurant.
Desperate to know who
the faces were, I showed him
the drawings.
‘I recognise these people,’

he told me,
I’d been drawing villagers
who’d passed away!

Another time, in June 2005,
when Andrea and I were in
Paris, I fell asleep reading a
book about mediumship.
In the early hours, the book
fell off the bed, waking me.
The room was filling with
white, steam-like ectoplasm,
as if a kettle was boiling.
Looking at my chest,
I realised it was coming from
my solar plexus chakra.
Spirits’ hands and faces
appeared in the ectoplasm.
Then it whooshed back into
my chest, disappeared.
When I picked up the book it
had fallen open on a page titled
You are a physical medium.
‘You can say that again,’
I laughed to myself.

I’m blessed
As a spirit medium, I spend
my life surrounded by spirits.
Speaking to them is part of
who I am, and I can’t switch it
off while I am away.
But my gift is a blessing,
and I wouldn’t change it for
the world.
l To contact David, visit his
Facebook page Spirit Medium
David Traynor.


n December 1972, Eastern Airlines Flight 401
crashed into a Florida swamp. The pilot Bob
Loft and flight engineer Don Repo were two of
the 101 people who perished.
Afterwards, the ghosts of Loft and Repo
were seen by crew on other Eastern Tri-Stars,
especially planes fitted with parts salvaged
from the Flight 401 wreckage.

Did you know?

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