Chat It’s Fate — August 2017

(Brent) #1

TOP Let’s dream talk!


The triffids are

coming for me!

30 Chat it’s fate

Dear Roi De Lune


’ve been having the same dream for years

  • I’m with a group of strangers and
    we’re being hunted by triffids in big
    rooms, like a computer game. I wake
    up several times but keep going back
    into the dream where I’m rescued
    by Jason from The Good Wife. I feel
    such despair when I wake up.
    Hatty, 42, Cambridge

Dear Hatty
I bet you have these dreams when
you’re experiencing something deeply
unpleasant in your waking life –
symbolised by your triffids.
When this happens, you
feel so alone and have
a real need to be taken
care of – Jason’s
speaks realms
on that matter!

Dear Roi de Lune


or years, I’ve been having
recurring dreams about the
same people from my
past. They’re very
Gemma, 24,

Dear Gemma
issues from our past can stay with us a long time.
They manifest in our dreams as a way of our subconscious
working out ways of coming to terms with them. This is so you
can move on. Keep a dream diary and see if you can identify
any patterns. It may help you discover what’s troubling you.

Dear Roi de Lune


ecently, I had
a weird dream
where a bee flew up
my nose. I tried to
free it, but it kept
stinging me,
then my nose
swelled up!
Sam, 44,

Dear Sam
Your dream is
symbolic of bad
luck or an event
happening to
you, which you
feel you have
no control over.
But it’s also
related to you
having been
more curious than usual
about something, examining a situation
more closely than you were supposed
to, or even prying into something not
meant for you. It sounds like you’re now
seeing the negative results of doing so!

My nose

swelled up!


de Lune

They won’t

go away


lbert Einstein is famous for
the theory of relativity, which
changed how we see physics.
But E=mc^2 came to him in a dream.
He was on a sleigh going down a
hill. As he neared the speed of
light, the stars changed their
appearance. In the morning,
he worked on the equation
that proves time-travel is
possible, with events
occurring at
different times
depending on
the observer’s






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