Chat It’s Fate — August 2017

(Brent) #1

Witching hour



it’s fateit’s fate



50 Chat it’s fate

Magical expert,Kirsten Riddle is on national and local radio

and runs UK workshops. Her book Everyday Witchcraft is out now.



Got a remedy question?

If you have any questions for Kirsten,
write to the usual Chat it’s fateaddress.


ou can’t live life without getting
onboard for the journey. Yet after
a big setback, it’s all too easy to feel
like hiding away. This has the double
whammy effect of depression leading
to waiting mode.
It's vital you change all that. You
have to make things happen. Do this
by magically imbuing each physical
journey you make, which will help
energise you to find those opportunities
that are passing you by.

How to use it!
Cut out the Bus Dreamcatcher and put
it next to your ticket or travel pass.
Every time you have to make a
journey, take a look at it and say,
‘I’m getting on with life. Even in a
small way. And this will bring new
opportunities’. Look about as you
travel, notice the people and the
locations. Allow yourself a daydream
or two. Life is moving all around you,
and trust that you are, too!

Get back onto
Ticket to ride the bus of life!



Dear Kirsten


have to hit
my targets if
there’s any
chance of
Charley, 31,

Dear Charley
In China, the
tiger’s fierce
scares away
bad luck. Invest in a
piece of Tiger’s eye
immediately! Find an
image of a tiger and place
the stone on top. Ask the
big cat to infuse it with
powerful energy. Keep the
stone with you when
negotiating, and pop it by
your computer keyboard.


here there’s good,
there’s bad, and two
very different types of witch
hang out in Chile...
The Machi, who are the
sacred leaders and healers of
the Mapuche,
and the evil
Kalku, who
dabble in
black magic.
familiar is the
Choncon, a bird-
like creature with the
face of a human! Thank
goodness the Machi
are very adept at
fighting the Kalku!


ade an enemy?
Ward off the
bad vibe with a
bowl of hot water.
Take a pinch of
salt for protection
and draw a circle
above your head nine
times, then cast it into the water.
Roll an egg all over your body, while
imagining negative energy being
absorbed. Crack the egg in the
water, then pour it down the sink.




Your August


overned by Venus, sweet
potatoes are great in matters
of the heart.
They also increase sexual allure and
will spice up existing relationships,
especially roasted and served with
honey. Add to salads with lots of leafy
green veg to cleanse your aura and
promote feelings of happiness.

Cut a large sweet
potato and two
carrots into thin
wedges. Drizzle
with 1tbsp olive
oil, 2tbsp fresh
orange juice and a sprinkling of sea
salt and black pepper. Roast in the
oven for 30 min at 200C. Garnish with
a handful of chopped mint, and share
with your heart’s desire to encourage
the flow of love between you.

photos (posed by model) AlAmy/Getty ImAGes

Psychic advice





Dreamcatcher by Tigerlili
Free download pdf