Chat It’s Fate — August 2017

(Brent) #1
it’s fateit’s fate


up the


And change your life

from your sun-lounger



56 Chat it’s fate

photo (posed by model) getty images

The promise: Learn
how to manage your^
e-mails properly
and break addiction
to technology.
Content: The^
average person
checks their e-mails
77 times days a day^
and our phones and^
computers have become a source of anxiety. But best-selling
author Glei has a plan to help you regain control, she will
make you think: ‘Who are the people who matter?’
and ‘WTF are you trying to accomplish anyway?’
The book is split into four sections: psychology, strategy, style
and superpowers. She’s big on creating a force field of time so
you get important tasks completed quicker and saying no.

The promise:
A funny guide to
modern parenting^
without the guilt.
Content: Fed up with^
reading parenting^
manuals about the^
perfect family life,^
mum-of-two, Sarah^
Turner decided to pen^
her own book about^
the truth of having^
kids – and it certainly isn’t pretty! But it’s open,^
honest, helpful and hilarious. The six chapters cover topics
like mum guilt and how to cope with it, along with mum
rage and f**k you supermum.^

The promise:^ A step-by-step
guide to creating financial
stability without the pain.
Content:^ It’s a tall order^
promising wealth. But life coach^
Levin’s approach is that your^
net worth is a reflection of^
your self-worth, which makes^
sense. People who undervalue^
themselves accept less.
Her 10-step approach will^
dig deep into your relationship^
with your finances and includes^
practical exercises about budgeting as well^
as spiritual exercises to boost self-love. Think big and you will
build a foundation to make your financial goals a reality.

Get tech


Unsubscribe: How To^
Kill Email Anxiety, Avoid
Distractions And Get Real
Work Done by Jocelyn K^
Glei (PublicAffairs, £6.45)

Be a^



The Unmumsy^
Mum by Sarah
Turner (Bantam^
Press, £6)

With short sections and cartoons, it’s
a really fun read. Follow the advice and you
will regain control of your technology and no longer be
a slave to your e-mails.

It’s practical with a sprinkling of the spiritual.
If you’ve been burying your head in the sand,
this book will help you to overhaul your finances.

Its biggest appeal, aside from its humour,^
is giving a voice to the frazzled parents out
there. You are not alone.

Boost finances

Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth To Grow
Your Net Worth by Nancy Levin
(Hay House, £6.22)

Get tech


Boost finances

Free download pdf