Chat It’s Fate — August 2017

(Brent) #1
To p



Verdict: Verdict:



Compiled by Monica Caffeky Chat it’s fate 57

Sleep betSleep betterter

Self help

The promise:
Learn how to find
calm in a busy and
stressful world.
Content: Who isn’t
suffering from stress? Not Brookes, she’s
been meditating since her teenage years.
This book is packed with five to 10-minute guided meditations to
calm the mind, body and soul along with beautiful illustrations. It’s^
not all about sitting in lotus either, there are mindful eating and^
walking techniques, plus exercise to release negative emotions.^

The promise: Find true
happiness using tried-and-tested
holistic and scientific methods.
Content: Seppala is the science
director at Stanford University’s
Center for Compassion and
Altruism Research and Education,
in California, and an expert on well-
being and health psychology. The
book’s six chapters examines how
to stop chasing the future
and manage your energy.

The promise: Overcome sleep
issues including chronic insomnia.
Content: If you suffer from bad
sleep, it’s practically all you can
think about – so this book could
be a life-saver. Stevenson, a
former insomniac and biology
graduate, tackles the issue in
21-steps with one step per
chapter. The chapters cover topics
like calming your inner chatter. And
there a 14-day sleep makeover.

The promise: Beat your
sugar cravings and develop
a new eating plan for life.
Content: As a former sugar,
cocaine and alcohol addict,
Thomson knows about addictions.
Her book outlines new eating
habits, managing emotions to
stop you reaching for sugar and
dealing with a relapse. There’s
even guidance on how to tackle
sabotaging behaviours of others.



The Little Pocket
Book Of Meditation^
by Stephanie
Brookes (Cico^
Books, £9.98)

Sleep Smarter by Shawn^
Stevenson (Rodale Books, £11.51)

Brilliant, be prepared to reset your brain to
happiness. You won’t feel the same again.

If you follow the plan you will change your eating
habits forever and lose weight. What’s more,^
you’ll never want to binge on sugar again.

A solid guide whether you’re an insomniac
or a restless sleeper. But be prepared to
ban your pets from the bedroom.

An excellent starting point for beginners but
also good if you have some prior knowledge.
The ideal handbook to dip into daily.^

Find happiness

The Happiness Track: How To Apply The^
Science Of Happiness To Accelerate Your
Success by Emma Seppala (Piatkus, £12.78)

Eat healthier

Sugar Free: 8 Weeks To Freedom From
Sugar And Carb Addiction by Karen^
Thomson (Robinson, £11.43)

Find happiness
Free download pdf