NW Magazine — Issue 29 2017

(Barré) #1
NWonline.com.au 17

insider. “The more stressed she
is, the skinnier she gets.”
It’s the second time in recent
months that Ange – who was
hospitalised due to eating disorders
as a teen – has alarmed friends
with her shrinking frame.
In March, Brangelina biographer
Ian Halperin told NW that, despite
being the one to blindside Brad
with divorce in September, the
ordeal took a huge toll on Ange.
“She lost a lot of weight... about
45lb [20kg]. The break-up was
extremely hard on her,” says Ian.
But while the latest drama has
Ange looking frailer than ever –
and her inner circle on high alert

  • according to our insider, this
    dangerous secret is just Ange’s MO.
    “Whenever she’s going through
    hard times or feeling extremely
    stressed, it’s as if her default is to
    lose weight as a way to get control
    back over her life,” says the source.
    “She’s always done it to get Brad’s
    attention because she knows he
    worries about her.”
    And Ange’s older kids have also
    expressed their concern to Brad,
    who will no doubt rush to her side.
    “They really don’t want Ange
    to be hospitalised,” adds the
    insider. “Brad can’t believe this is
    where they are at again, but he’s
    got no choice but to help.” ■


& starving!


does take care
f me,” Ange has
id of her eldest
n Maddox. And
oing it again – by playing Cupid
for his mum! “Ange is the first to say she’s
married to her kids right now, but Maddox
has urged her to move on and meet a nice
guy whenever she is ready,” spills a source.
Time to give Tinder a go, Ange?



etee i d

Angie, 42
Humanitarian, director,
6 kids, 3 failed marriages


Ange has admitted
that she shrinks
when things get
‘difficult’, while our
source adds, ‘Brad
was the only one who
could get her to eat
balanced meals’

“He real“ ly

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