NW Magazine — Issue 29 2017

(Barré) #1


J & Stavros

The we


Jess and Stavros
(pictured here in 2015)
haven’t been
together since
February last year


The Aussie model’s

left Hart-broken as

her long-time love

gets cold feet...


espite reportedly
getting engaged
in 2014, Jess Hart
admitted at the
time that her
wedding to billionaire beau
Stavros Niarchos III wouldn’t
be happening “any time soon”.
But now it seems it will never
happen at all, with an insider
telling NW that the Aussie
model has all but been dumped
at the altar. Our hearts!
Indeed, we’re told that the
nuptials have not only been
nixed, but that Jess – who’s
been spied countless times
without her engagement ring

over the past three
months – and Stav are
done for good. Oh no!
“You’ve got to feel
sorry for poor Jess,”
says the insider,
adding that the
Sydney-born babe
is crushed and
feeling “absolutely
humiliated” by
the break-up.
“She’d mapped
out her entire
future around Stavros and
now she feels like he totally
led her on. She genuinely
loves that man... she wanted
to have babies with him and
he made out that he was on
the same page. Why else
would he propose to her?”
Now, we hear Jess –
who’s been with Stav since
2010, happily shacking up
with him in New York – is
convinced that the reason
cold on her is that he met
someone else.
“It’s the only logical
explanation,” explains the
insider. “Jess knew he had
a womanising past when they
got together, but she thought
it was actually a bonus that
he’d already sown his wild
oats. He certainly said he’d
got it all out of his system
and wanted a family now.”
No doubt that was a big plus
for Jess, 31, who’s admitted

she’d love to “have a big happy
family” one day.
But according to the insider,
Jess suspected her fairytale
was slowly coming apart at the
seams after Stavros, 32, started
stalling on setting a wedding
date and leaving her to
organise all the details.
“She’s had most of the
wedding planned for over
six months – she was just
waiting for him to agree on
a date, but there was always
an excuse,” says our insider
“She’s furious she’s wasted
so many years on him, whe
in the end he was nothing
more than a playboy who
refused to change.”
Well, as they say, a leopar
can’t change its spots! And
before he settled down with
Jess, the Greek shipping
heir boasted numerous
celeb notches on his belt,
including Paris Hilton,
Lindsay Lohan and
Mary-Kate Olsen.
And while insiders say
Stavros’s family were
starting to wonder
whether Jess might be
him, it turns out he’s just
not the marrying kind.
“His parents put
pressure on him to settle
down, but it’s just not for
him,” says the insider.
However, a second
source seems to believe

that Jess was partly to blame
for the relationship falling
apart. Way to kick a girl
when she’s down!
“I think once they got
engaged, Jess changed in
a way that really turned Stav
take much for him to walk,”
spills the pal. “He’s not the
type to be told what to do –
about anything.” ■





rin ’s


Jess was sans
ring at the polo
in New Jersey
last month
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