The with Adele Lang
St rs
MONPerrie Edwards, 24. Sofia Vergara,
- Jessica Simpson, 37. Erika Jayne, 46.
Adrian Grenier, 41TUESLil’ Kim, 43. Jax
Taylor, 38. Lisa Rinna, 54. Giorgio
Armani, 83WEDMichelle Rodriguez, 39
THURSHarrison Ford, 75. Patrick
Stewart, 77. Ken Jeong, 48FRIJane
Lynch, 57SATTaylor Kinney, 36. Diane
Kruger, 41SUNWill Ferrell, 50.
AnnaLynne McCord, 30. Dorit
Kemsley, 41
Your weekly vve planner
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
MON ❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤ ✖ ❤❤ ✖ ❤❤❤ ❤❤ ❤ ❤❤❤ ✖ ❤
TUES ❤ ✖ ❤❤❤ ❤❤ ✖ ❤ ❤❤ ❤❤❤ ✖ ❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤
WED ✖ ❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤ ❤ ✖ ❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤ ✖
THURS ❤❤ ❤ ❤❤ ✖ ❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤ ✖ ❤❤❤ ❤
FRI ❤❤❤ ✖ ❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤ ✖ ❤❤❤ ❤❤ ❤ ❤❤ ❤ ✖
SAT ✖ ❤❤ ✖ ❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤ ✖ ❤ ❤❤❤ ❤ ❤❤ ❤❤❤
SUN ❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ ✖✖❤❤ ✖ ❤❤
Romance looks set to
be a scorcher
Might be more fizzle than sizzle
Expect more than a few warm,
fuzzy feelings
Hmm, maybe wear your thermals
According to the cosmos,
the actress needs to be
wary of others and let
her intuition guide her –
as do her fellow
July 15, 1976
Capricorn DEC 22 – JAN 20
Follow your dreams – just make sure
loved ones are kept in the loop. The
planets predict relationship rifts
that can be easily avoided if you
only bother to communicate. While
you’re busy trying to achieve your
goals, letting others know your
plans beforehand will help.
Aquarius JAN 21 – FEB 19
Lunar influences suggest you’re
more likely to state your case to
those who have previously rendered
you tongue-tied. Bold statements
to bosses won’t be ignored or go
unrewarded. However, don’t be
so fearless with your partner – as
some things can’t be unsaid.
Pisces FEB 20 – MAR 20
Anyone taking you for a fool is
asking for trouble. You Fish types are
generally eager to please, but you’re
definitely no pushover. Some have
started to mistake your kindness for
weakness. This week, they’ll learn the
hard way what happens when people
take advantage of a Piscean.
Aries MAR 21 – APRIL 20
While you’re right to stick to
schedules you’ve organised in
advance, you can afford to be more
spontaneous with what free time
you’ve got left. A spur-of-the-moment
mini-break with a friend or a lover
is essential for unwinding amid all
your current commitments.
Taurus APRIL 21 – MAY 21
With Venus now in your money
house, splashing out on yourself
won’t result in the usual twinges of
guilt. You’ve spent far too long going
without life’s little luxuries, so treat
yourself. Loved ones won’t
discourage you – especially if they
get something out of it, too.
Gemini MAY 22 – JUNE 21
Saturn says you shouldn’t feel
compelled to make a long-term
commitment right now. If
a proposed situation doesn’t sit
comfortably, ask for more time
to consider. Anyone unwilling
to wait for your final answer isn’t
worth it – patient types are.
Cancer JUNE 22 – JULY 23
According to planetary patterns,
not all advice you’re given this week
will be wise, so remember to trust
your gut. At work, especially, people
may have hidden agendas and
won’t necessarily have your best
interests at heart. Follow your
hunch instead of the herd.
Leo JULY 24 – AUG 23
Risk-taking isn’t recommended in
the coming days. Lunar activity
signals that you’ll be low on energy,
so you’ll struggle to handle the
fallout that could arise if you take any
drastic steps. For now, keep a low
profile at work and after-hours –
even if you want to shake things up.
Virgo AUG 24 – SEPT 23
Additional work responsibilities will
require delegation. Although you
prefer doing everything yourself,
you’re not going to get through the
week without enlisting some help.
That might mean you have to share
the glory, but it also means you won’t
have to take all of the blame.
Libra SEPT 24 – OCT 23
Your love-planet Mars is waging war
between some of your nearest and
dearest, and you’re keen to step in.
Tread carefully, though – someone
close to you might not appreciate
what they see as you interfering.
You’re good at listening, so limit your
involvement to doing just that.
Scorpio OCT 24 – NOV 22
Not every obstacle can be removed
from your path, nor should it be.
Challenges are what a natural-born
Scorp girl thrives on. Astro-trends
indicate domestic hurdles are likely,
but as long as you apply your usual
wit and wisdom, you’ll work around
them with confidence.
Sagittarius NOV 23 – DEC 21
The Moon may bring your
extravagant ways to the surface
this week. Rather than blow your
savings, enlist someone you trust
to help curb your spending. They
should be happy to help – especially
if they’ve seen you go through
financially tough times before.