NWonline.com.au (^73) Photography: Shane Monopoli
say, “WTF?! What is going on?”
But I’m pretty sure Jane’s
face said it all.
You guys are glam AF, but
Maria is next-level, huh?
That’s not my glam. I’m very
understated. I don’t say, “Wow!
I’ve got a big Versace logo on my
shoe!” I feel like it’s too in-my-
face – too showy! It’s kind of
like you don’t need to prove
anything. I do a couple
of days of work and that’s
a big thing to show
my baby, that it’s OK
to work and to support
your family. It’s very
different. Chalk
and cheese...
Maria reckons you’re
jealous of her. Are you?
Not at all! Like, hand on
my heart. In the fridge, all
her food’s cut for the day.
What the hell?!
No way! Yeah! I said, like, “Is
this real? Are you guys taking
the piss out of us? Is this legit?”
And they said, “No, this is
serious.” It actually made me
feel really sad inside. Like,
I couldn’t have Andrew cut
my food –
because we
are so fiercely
but work so
hard together.
That’s why, for
me, showing
[my daughter]
that Mummy gets
up and works is
important. And
I show her that you don’t need
to just sit at home. [Maria’s
lifestyle] had no impact on me
whatsoever. Plus, it’s not my
style. It’s not my flavour...
Speaking of your flavour,
this week’s ep sees you
try to upstage her in a
sparkly silver number at
her baby shower... It could
be considered arrogant, but
when you know me, it’s not –
it’s having a joke!
I offered to change,
but [the producer]
said, “No, that’ll
look good.” I think
her dress was
from Kookai, ’cos
I’d seen it before...
It didn’t work, did
it? We hear she
makes a pretty
entrance! When she
did that, we were just
like, “Why?” Our jaws dropped
a lot of the time, ’cos we were
just like, “What next?”
Maybe a dance routine? I just
can’t stand games at a baby
shower! But if you don’t do it,
you look like a snob.
Will we get to see your baby
shower? Yeah! It’s very regal.
It’s beautiful and I cried. Maria
and I had the same amount of
people, but mine was more
intimate. I think my baby
shower is probably going to
be one of the most explosive
episodes. My girlfriends still
talk about it. It was full on!
We can’t wait! Did you
steal any of Maria’s ideas?
God, nothing. Not one thing.
There was nothing. We had
a real cake, there was no
fake anything.
Yummy Mummies airs
8.30pm Tuesdays on Seven
Sneak peek!
Maria’s babymoon
One guess where Maria and her partner Carlos jet off
to for her babymoon in next week’s ep? Yep, you got
it – the Palazzo Versace on the Gold Coast. She
spends her time there doing photo shoots – natch!
- until an emergency sees her rushing to the
hospital. Uh-oh!
Lorinska tells NW the
one-metre-tall cake that
features at Maria’s baby
shower this week was “fake”
and couldn’t even be enjoyed
by guests. “[My baby shower]
wasn’t a show, it wasn’t
putting on something,”
she blasts.
That’s just
how they
the baby
seat, guys?
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