The Australian Women’s Weekly — August 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1


arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart and circulatory
diseases or osteoporosis. Nearly one-fifth of
Australian males have a disability restricting
activity, school or employment. Nearly half of
males aged 16-85 years have experienced a
mental health disorder in their lifetime. This
includes anxiety and/or substance use disorders.
If you are a man, or you are looking out for
the health and wellbeing of the special males in
your life, there is so much to think about. As a
GP, my job is to look out for the appropriate
check-ups and investigations at different life
stages. In order to do this, it is important to
have a regular GP who knows your health
history and who is able to guide you.

Professor Kerryn Phelps reveals the regular health checks men should

undergo to pick up early warning signs of illnesses and diseases.



How to keep


ustralian males now have one of
the highest life expectancies in the
world. Compared with boys born
in the years 1881-1890, boys
born in 2013-2015 can expect to
live about 33 years longer. This is largely due to
improved early childhood care, immunisation
and the development of medical treatments
such as antibiotics for infectious diseases.
However, males might be living longer but with
a greater burden of chronic disease. According
to the Australian government’s Ten to Men
study, men’s health has a lot of room for
improvement. About one-third of males have
a chronic health condition such as asthma,
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