The Australian Women’s Weekly — August 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1


Mushroom pie

2 tablespoons extra virgin
olive oil
2 medium (300g) onions,
chopped finely
200g Swiss brown
mushrooms, sliced
200g button mushrooms,
4½ cups (200g) finely
chopped kale leaves
200g full-fat ricotta
1 teaspoon finely grated
lemon rind
¼ cup coarsely chopped
flat-leaf parsley
¼ cup (20g) finely grated parmesan
445g sour cream shortcrust pastry
1 egg, lightly beaten

1 Heat oil in a large frying pan. Add the
onion; cook, stirring, over medium
heat for 10-15 minutes or until soft and
browned lightly. Add the mushrooms;
cook, stirring occasionally, for a further
10 minutes or until the mushrooms are
completely cooked down and no moisture
remains. Transfer mixture to a large bowl.
2 In the same pan, add kale; cook, stirring,
for 5 minutes, or until kale is just tender.
Add to bowl with mushroom mixture. Stir
in remaining ingredients except pastry
and the egg; season to taste with sea salt
flakes and freshly ground black pepper.
3 Unroll thawed pastry; cut two 13cm x
40cm rectangles from pastry for top and
base. Refrigerate remaining pastry on a
tray to use for decorations. Place one pastry
rectangle onto a lightly floured sheet of
baking paper; top with a second sheet
of paper and roll out to form a rectangle
15cm x 45cm. This will be the top of pie.
Slide on paper onto a tray; refrigerate.

4 Line a large tray with baking paper. Put
the remaining rectangle of pastry onto
the lined tray. Spoon mushroom mixture
down the centre of pastry, leaving a 3cm
border. Lightly brush edges of pastry with
beaten egg. Remove top piece of pastry
from the refrigerator and lay it over the
mushroom mixture (below). Press and lift
edge slightly; roll towards filling to make an
attractive edge (or crimp with fingers and
thumb, or press lightly with a fork). Brush
with beaten egg. Chill until ready to bake.
5 Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200°C
(180°C fan-forced). Place a large oven tray
into the oven while preheating.
6 Remove remaining pastry from fridge;
using tip of sharp knife, cut out decorative
shapes. Top pastry with shapes; brush
with beaten egg. Slide the pie on baking
paper onto hot tray; bake on lower shelf
for about 30 minutes or until browned.
Not suitable to freeze or microwave.

Step 4

Creamy chicken pie

1.6kg whole chicken
6 parsley stalks

Creamy chicken pie

Michele’s tip
We used Carême sour cream
shortcrust pastry. If you prefer to
make your own pastry, use the
recipe from the Cheese and Bacon
Flan on page 148.

1 lemon, rind finely grated,
445g sour cream shortcrust
pastry, thawed
1 egg, beaten lightly
80g butter
1 medium (350g) leek,
chopped finely
1 stick (150g) celery, sliced
3 cobs corn, kernels removed
¼ cup (35g) plain flour
1 cup (250ml) cream
½ teaspoon ground
white pepper
1 tablespoon finely chopped
fresh tarragon
¼ cup coarsely chopped
flat-leaf parsley leaves
1 sheet puff pastry

1 Place chicken, parsley stalks and lemon
juice in a large saucepan; add enough
water to cover chicken. Bring to boil;
reduce heat. Simmer gently, uncovered,
for 1 hour; remove from heat. When cool
enough, transfer chicken to a plate.
Reserve 1 cup of cooking liquid.
2 Meanwhile, line base and sides of a
lightly greased oval (1.25 litre/5 cup)
ovenproof dish with sour cream pastry;
trim. Prick base with a fork. Cover with
baking paper; refrigerate until ready to bake.
3 Preheat oven to 200°C (180°C fan-forced).
4 Put the chilled pastry case in the oven;
bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
Remove from oven; brush with beaten egg.
Return to oven for a further 5 minutes.
5 Removethefleshfromthechickenand
coarsely chop. Discard skin and bones.
6 Meanwhile, heat butter in a large frying
pan. Add leek, celery and corn; cook,
stirring, until vegetables are soft and any
liquid from corn has evaporated. Stir in
flour. Add reserved stock and cream; stir
over heat until mixture boils and thickens.
Reduce heat and stir in chicken, pepper,
herbs and lemon rind. Remove from heat;
season with sea salt, to taste.
7 Spoon chicken filling into pie case. Brush
the edges of the pastry with egg. Top with
the puff pastry. Decorate with any off-cuts
and brush with egg.
8 Reduce oven temperature to 180°C
(160°C fan-forced). Bake for 45 minutes
or until pastry is golden brown.
Suitable to freeze. Not suitable
to microwave.
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