The Australian Women’s Weekly — August 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1


The backyard barbecue was
made from a furnace used to burn
sawdust in the original factory.
BELOW: A printmaker and avid art
collector, the renovated factory is
both Stephanie’s home and studio.



Design your home to suit the life you lead and
fill it with the things you love.


Accept and embrace change while building
or renovating. Exciting things can happen!


Take care of the tradies with cups of tea and cake,
and they will take care of you and your home.

look” tiled wall. For Stephanie, it’s
the little touches that she loves the
most, from the kitchen joinery, which
includes her copper etching plates set
into the timber, to the skirting boards,
which have little plugs of walnut inset,
echoing the wood used in the kitchen.
Her pride and joy is the wall of
artwork. An avid collector, Stephanie
can’t resist acquiring new pieces and
many of them are swaps. “Each and
every piece has special meaning for
me,” she says. “Matt hung them as
a gift at the end of the renovation –
I’d never get on a ladder that high.”
To get a feel for the arrangement, they
laid out all the works on the floor and
then looked down on them from the
mezzanine before hanging.
Almost everything in Stephanie’s
house has a special significance. “What
is important to me is the feeling of
home which comes from having things
around me that evoke memories of
people or places,” she says, “whether
that be the prints on the walls or my
grandmother’s china.” AW W
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