The Australian Women’s Weekly — August 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1


August finds the Sun in
your sign, Leo, and the
spotlight will be on your
name or face. Avoid the
lunar eclipse on August 7
and solar eclipse on the
21st for major decisions
such as cosmetic surgery,
new business cards,
self-promotion or a
new social media profile.
It may not be until
the second week of
September that a
complicated and delayed
situation can finally be
settled. The events of
1999 or 2000 may have
an impact, as a cycle
repeats and choices
you made about your
profile could easily come
back to you now.

Virgo●Aug 24-Sep 23

You’ll be behind the scenes in August,
or dealing with a secret which must
either be concealed or revealed. Your
ruler, Mercury, is retrograde so allow
for changes or a reversal by September

  1. If your work involves hush-hush
    documents, pay attention to your
    computer, phone and shredder. If you
    must cover things up, for any reason,
    avoid the eclipses near August 7 and
    21, as you will be kept in the dark.

Libra●Sep 24-Oct 23
The friend or group which matters
most to you dominates August. You
need to make a decision after the news
you received in late July, but it may be
more helpful to postpone choices until
the second half of September. Until
then, you may face communication
problems, absences or technical issues.
Skip the eclipses near August 7 and 21,
as these events conceal, rather than


reveal. If planning a team or club event,
have alternatives and back-ups.

Scorpio●Oct 24-Nov 22
Your career, unpaid work, university
degree or parenting role will be
surrounded by unanswered questions
until September 11, so treat August
as a film director treats the first take.
You can achieve your “director’s cut”
later and the results will alter your
ambitions for months. Avoid the
eclipse periods near August 7 and 21
as you will not have the complete
picture then. If applying for a job or
leaving one, seek second opinions.

Sagittarius●Nov 23-Dec 21
Changes affecting travel, the web,
publishing, universities and interstate
or foreign connections will affect you
in August. Double-check arrangements
on the day and have alternatives. The
world, in particular the US, will be

affected by the eclipses near August 7
and 21. There will be a domino effect
which touches you as well, so avoid
making big decisions about a trip, book,
website, course or long-distance link.

Capricorn●Dec 22-Jan 20
If your financial, business or charity
situation reminds you of 1999 or
2000, you are correct. Old cycles are
repeating and there are debts to pay
or rewards to collect. If you can do
this any time you may want to wait
until after September 11, as you will
experience delays or changes until
then. Allow for this when you are
dealing with your bank, accountant
and real estate agent. The eclipses near
August 7 and 21 should be avoided
as you may be blind to facts then.

Aquarius●Jan 21-Feb 19
The relationship you have with your
former, current or potential partner
will draw a lot of attention in August.
This also applies to enemies or rivals.
Others will hold up a mirror that will
help you make an important decision
which affects you in 2018. Allow until
at least September 10 for final decisions,
as the chance of rescheduling is very
high. Skip the eclipses near August 7
and 21 as they make the situation with
this man (or woman) hard to see clearly.

Pisces●Feb 20-Mar 20
What happened at the end of July
makes August a month for decisions
about your body, lifestyle, workload
and routine. Take your time and allow
room for changes or delays. If you go
ahead with a major plan or choice
near the eclipses on August 7 and 21,
make allowances for the fact that you
may not have the full story. It could be
helpful to look for answers later on, as
eclipses tend to create blind spots.

Aries●Mar 21-Apr 21
What took place with children (even
grown-up children) at the end of
July will take all of August to resolve.
Paperwork, computer or phone
complications surround your choices
and it may not be until September 10
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