The Australian Women’s Weekly — August 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1

“At 91, Mum

no longer helps out

on the farm,

but she’s still^ got


er freedom.

Peter, son of Edna
Freedom family

Until recently, Mum was still making meals for us shearing boys at the family farm. When she had a fall, I realised I couldn’t provide the care she needed
and still run the farm, raise my family and work as a full time firie. My greatest fear was putting my fiercely-independent Mum in a nursing home.
Thank heavens I discovered Freedom Aged Care. Today Mum enjoys the privacy of her own self-contained unit in a vibrant Freedom community.
She’s making new friends, gets the nursing and personal care she needs - and wouldn’t you know it – she’s still making tucker for “us boys!”.

Freedom Aged Care has communities across Australia, visit our website for your local community or call us on 1800 820 170 today.

What’s life without freedom?


with Jessica Adams[Horoscopes]


that details are final. Schedules, dating
websites and plans that depend on
communication may be affected.
Avoid the eclipses near August 7 and
21 for major decisions as nothing is
fully clear to you then.

Taurus●Apr 22-May 21
Your family, hometown or homeland
poses a major question in August, but
allow for delays, changes or second
attempts until September 10. If you’re
buying, selling or renting property,
read the fine print. Avoidthe lunar
eclipse near August 7and the solar
eclipse near the21st because you
won’t see the whole story. Be wary
with renovations, mortgage interest
rates or new flatmates or tenants.

Gemini●May 22-Jun 22
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is
retrograde or moving backwards and
forwards. This is what will happen to

a project, idea, computer or telephone,
so have Plan B. August is super for a
rehearsal or first attempt with plans.
Avoid the eclipse periods near August
7 and 21. If you intend to make a new
beginning, beaware of the potential
for mistakes or technical issues. Once
September is under way, go back to the
drawing board or perfect your concept.

Cancer●Jun 23-Jul 23
You are ruled by the Moon so the
lunar eclipse on August 7 and solar
eclipse on the 21st affect you more
than others. The road to a final
decision on your money, house,
business, charity, or apartment
will take twists and turns. Check
paperwork and keep important emails
or statements. Even though a choice
must be made following the events
of late July, you may prefer to wait
until September 10. If you go ahead,
do more than the usual research.AWW

Beware the solar eclipse
It will be months before you realise
how much you were missing (or how
much was hidden) during the solar
eclipse near August 21, as the eclipse
will strongly affect you or those
around you. If you think people are
more evasive or even secretive in the
second half of the month, that could
be why. Try not to pass judgement on
August 20-22, if you can.

Unfinished business
A cycle dating from 1999-2000 is
repeated in August and you or the
people in your world will be dealing
with the long-term impact of children
born in those years, together with
relationships which were cemented
or broken. What goes around comes
around and any unfinished business
for you or others can be settled now.
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