The Australian Women’s Weekly — August 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1


[ Personal memoir]

without forewarning his children. When
he broke the news of his marriage,
Diana slapped her father hard across
the face, shouting, “That’s from all
of us, for hurting us”.
It’s impossible to know what
happiness Diana would have known

  • or who she would have become –
    if she had married someone other
    than the Prince of Wales. But it’s
    also true that in 1977, when the
    naive 16-year-old first caught sight
    of the 29-year-old number one royal
    bachelor striding through a ploughed
    field at an Althorp shooting party,
    there was no other rival for her heart.
    To Charles, however, Diana was
    the “jolly”, “bouncy” younger sister
    of Sarah, whom he briefly dated.
    His future bride wasn’t always a
    radiant beauty; she became one
    under the spotlight.
    It was remarkable to watch
    this change. At the time of her
    engagement, when she was 19,
    I was introduced to Diana at the
    American Embassy in London. She
    was wearing a pale blue gossamer-
    light organza dress and was
    agonizingly shy. No photograph,
    however, fully captured her exquisite
    peach complexion; her huge, limpid
    blue eyes; her imposing, slender
    height. Her small talk was gauche
    but enchanting. As she and Charles
    moved between the guests, she gazed
    up at the urbane, practiced Prince of
    Wales with starstruck adoration.
    Seventeen years later, in July 1997,
    when I lunched with her at the
    Four Seasons in New York shortly
    before her death, global celebrity had
    electrified her charisma. It was as if
    she had been elongated and grown
    taller still. Impeccably groomed, she
    strode across the dining room on
    three-inch heels, garbed in a dazzling
    emerald green Chanel suit, with all
    the confidence of a supermodel blonde
    who knew every eye was upon her.
    But love, or the lack of it, would
    always be Diana’s primal wound.
    In June, she came to New York
    for the Christie’s auction of all her
    glittering gowns. It was the ultimate
    statement of her desire to leave her
    “fairy tale” past behind. But over»

old Diana with
her Shetland
pony, Soufflé;
cuddling her
guinea pig during
a 1972 pet show;
leaving for
boarding school
in 1970; all poise,
Diana jumping off
a slide into the
family pool.

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