The Australian Women’s Weekly — August 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1


[ Inspiration]

World-shattering events, such as Diana’s death, make us all take

a moment to reflect on life. Here, our favourite Australian women

share what inspires them and gives them hope.



The song of life
Jessica Mauboy
Singing is what Jessica relies on to
remind herself that “every day is
important ... Singing isn’t what I would
call a job,” she says earnestly. “It is my
life and I love what I am able to do.”
Jessica says she’s thankful every single
day for the gift of her voice. “I’ve been
singing for as long as I can remember,”
she laughs, coming from a family where
there was singing at barbecues and
parties, at church on Sundays and
around the house for no reason at all.
The Mauboys sing to celebrate and they
sing to get through the tough times.
“Sometimes we’ll end up having an
argument,” says Jess. “We’ll be yelling
and jumping up and down – and then
suddenly we’re laughing and crying,
and eventually we’ll all be singing,
packed into Mum and Dad’s lounge
room, and dancing.”
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