From Inquiry to Academic Writing A Practical Guide, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
AnAlyzIng And ComPARIng ARgumEnTs 79

■^2 Analyze Stuart Rojstaczer’s argument in “Grade Inflation Gone
Wild,” addressing the following questions:
• What evidence does Rojstaczer use to indicate that there is a
• How would you characterize this evidence (for example, scien-
tific, anecdotal), and to what extent are you persuaded by the
evidence he provides to suggest that grade inflation has a pro-
found effect on “life and learning”?
• To what extent does he persuade you that a change in policy is
necessary or that such a change would make a difference?

■^3 Now compare Phil Primack’s and Stuart Rojstaczer’s strategies
for developing an argument.
• How does Primack establish that there is a problem? To what
extent is his approach as persuasive as Rojstaczer’s?
• What strategies would you identify in either argument as strat-
egies that you might employ to develop your own argument?
• To what extent are you persuaded by the counterargument that
Primack introduces?
• What do you think Primack wants you to do or think about in
his analysis?
• In the end, does Primack add anything to your understanding
of the problem of whether your college or university should
introduce a policy to limit grade inflation?

■^4 As an alternative assignment, write a three-page essay in which
you compare the arguments student Marques Camp and Profes-
sor Susan D. Blum make about the state of reading today. Con-
sider their main claims and how they support them. Explain
which argument you find more persuasive, and why. Feel free to
draw on your own experience and make use of personal anec-
dotes to make your case.

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