From Inquiry to Academic Writing A Practical Guide, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
FoRmulAtIng Issue- BAsed QuestIons 97

■^3 Identify an issue. “The persistence of homelessness contradicts
my belief in social justice.”
■^4 Formulate your topic as a question. “To what extent can we allow
homelessness to persist in a democratic nation that prides itself
on providing equal opportunity to all?”
■^5 Acknowledge your audience. “I am interested in the conse-
quences of homelessness because I want people who believe
in democracy to understand that we need to work harder
to make sure that everyone has access to food, shelter, and
The answer to the question you formulate in step 4 should lead
to an assertion, your main claim, or thesis. For example, you could
state your main claim this way: “Although homelessness persists as a
widespread problem in our nation, we must develop policies that
eliminate homelessness, ensuring that everyone has access to food,
shelter, and employment. This is especially important in a democracy
that embraces social justice and equality.”
The thesis introduces a problem and makes an assertion that
you will need to support: “We must develop policies that eliminate
homelessness, ensuring that everyone has access to food, shelter, and
employment.” What is at issue? Not everyone would agree that poli-
cies must be implemented to solve the problem. In fact, many would
argue that homelessness is an individual problem, that individuals
must take responsibility for lifting themselves out of poverty, home-
lessness, and unemployment. Of course, you would need to read quite
a bit to reach this final stage of formulating your thesis.
Try using the five- step process we describe above to formulate
your own topic as a question, or try formulating the following topics
as questions:

•    violence in video games
• recycling
• the popularity of a cultural phenomenon (a book, a film,
a  performer, an icon)
• standardized tests
• professional sports injuries
• town- gown relationships
• media representation and gender
• government and religion
• vegetarianism

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