From Inquiry to Academic Writing A Practical Guide, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
contents xix

8 From Ethos to Logos
Appealing to Your Readers 211

connecting with readers: A sample Argument 212

JAMeS w. Loewen, the Land of opportunity 212

Appealing to Ethos, p.

Establish That You Have Good Judgment 218
Convey to Readers That You Are Knowledgeable 218
Show That You Understand the Complexity of a Given Issue 219

■ (^) Steps to Appealing to Ethos 220

Appealing to Pathos, p.

Show That You Know What Your Readers Value 220
Use Illustrations and Examples That Appeal to Readers’ Emotions 221
Consider How Your Tone May Affect Your Audience 221

■ (^) Steps to Appealing to Pathos 223
■ (^) A Practice Sequence: Appealing to Ethos and Pathos 223

Appealing to Logos: using reason and evidence

to fit the situation 225

State the Premises of Your Argument 228
Use Credible Evidence 228
Demonstrate That the Conclusion Follows from the Premises 229

■ (^) Steps to Appealing to Logos 230

recognizing Logical fallacies 230

Analyzing the Appeals in a researched Argument 234

Meredith MinkLer, community-Based research Partnerships:
challenges and opportunities 234

■ (^) A Practice Sequence: Analyzing the Appeals
in a researched Argument 248

Analyzing Visual rhetoric: Advertisements 248

Notice Where the Ad Appears 249
Identify What Draws Your Attention 250
Reflect on What Draws Your Attention 250
Consider the Ethos of the Ad 251
Analyze the Pathos in the Ad 251
Understand the Logos of the Ad 251

■ (^) Steps to Visual Analysis 252
■ (^) A Practice Sequence: Analyzing the rhetoric of an
Advertisement 253

further Advertisements for Analysis 255

critical reading / reading visuals: Purpose / reading visuals: Audience

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