From Inquiry to Academic Writing A Practical Guide, 3rd edition

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62 CHAPTER 3 | FRom IdEnTIFyIng ClAIms To AnAlyzIng ARgumEnTs

Analyzing Arguments

Analyzing an argument involves identifying the writer’s main and minor
claims and then examining (1) the reasons and evidence given in support
of each claim, (2) the writer’s concessions, and (3) the writer’s attempts to
handle counterarguments.

■ (^) analyze the reasons used to support a Claim
Stating a claim is one thing; supporting that claim is another. As a critical
reader, you need to evaluate whether a writer has provided good reasons to
support his or her position. Specifically, you will need to decide whether the
support for a claim is recent, relevant, reliable, and accurate. As a writer,
you will need to use the same criteria when you support your claims.
Is the source recent? Knowledgeable readers of your written arguments
not only will be aware of classic studies that you should cite as “intellectual
A Practice sequence: Identifying Claims
What follows is a series of claims. Identify each one as a claim of fact,
value, or policy. Be prepared to justify your categorizations.
■^1 Taxing the use of fossil fuels will end the energy crisis.
■^2 We should reform the welfare system to ensure that people who
receive support from the government also work.
■^3 Images of violence in the media create a culture of violence in
■^4 The increase in homelessness is a deplorable situation that contra-
dicts the whole idea of democracy.
■^5 Distributing property taxes more equitably is the one sure way to
end poverty and illiteracy.
■^6 Individual votes don’t really count.
■^7 Despite the 20 percent increase in the number of females in the
workforce over the past forty years, women are still not treated
■^8 Affirmative action is a policy that has outlived its usefulness.
■^9 There are a disproportionate number of black males in American
■^10 The media are biased, which means we cannot count on news-
papers or television news for the truth.
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