From Inquiry to Academic Writing A Practical Guide, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
68 CHAPTER 3 | FRom IdEnTIFyIng ClAIms To AnAlyzIng ARgumEnTs

An Annotated student Argument

We have annotated the following essay to show the variety of claims the
student writer uses, as well as some of the other argumentative moves
he performs. The assignment was to write an argument out of personal
experience and observation about the cultural impact of a recent innova-
tion. Marques Camp chose to write about the Kindle, an electronic reading
device developed by the online retailer Amazon that allows users to down-
load books for a fee. However, the user cannot share the download elec-
tronically with other users. Camp touches on a number of issues reflected
in his claims.
As you read the essay, imagine how you would respond to his various
claims. Which do you agree with, which do you disagree with, and why?
What evidence would you present to support or counter his claims? Do you
detect a main claim? Do you think his overall essay develops and supports it?

Camp 1
Marques Camp
Professor Fells
English 1020
January 28, 20 —
The End of the World May Be Nigh, and It’s the Kindle’s Fault

“Libraries will in the end become cities.”
— Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, German polymath

The future of written human history will come, as they
will have us believe, in the form of the Amazon Kindle, all 10.2
ounces of it, all 2 GB and 532 MHz of it, all 240,000+ titles of
it, ready to change the way people read, ready to revolutionize
the way people see the world.
The Kindle is a signpost for our times, the final check-
point in our long and adventurous journey from the world of
printed paper to the twenty-first-century world of digitalization.
We first saw this paradigm shift with newspapers, where weekly
columns were taken over by daily blog posts, where 48-point
sans-serif headlines transformed into 12-point Web links. We
then moved on into television, where Must-See TV was replaced
with On-Demand TV, where consumers no longer sat around in
the living room with their families during prime time but rather
watched the latest episode of their favorite show commercial-
free from the comfortable and convenient confines of their



The student pre sents a
claim of fact that others
have made.

He lays the basis for a
counterargument by
questioning whether this
is a real threat at all, cit-
ing some technological

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