7.3 Consistency Between Phase 1 and Phase 2
In order to probe into test-takers’discourse representation concerning the gaps we
have discussed in Phase 1, the corresponding retelling protocols are listed below for
further investigation. In the following tables, the left column presents protocol
numbers for participants in the same group and their basic information including the
gap number, the result of the answer for the gap, TEM 4 score and TEM 8
Mini-lecture and Gap-filling task score of the research version. The right column
presents the selected individual protocols in accordance with the same
gap. Different surnames are used for differentiation. There might also be the
researcher’s probing headed by“R”on certain occasions where further information
is needed.
Differences: Comparing the three retelling protocols of the same participants we
compared while analyzing Phase 1 TAP protocols, we mayfind that the last two of
them who got the correct answer did retell the main point regarding the second
characteristic of active learning: reflect on information and think critically, though
the last one used“reflective”instead of“reflect”. On the other hand, thefirst
protocol with the wrong answer didn’t get the second key word“critically”, who
had mistaken“quickly”for“critically”in her Phase 1 report. It’s worth noticing that
at the second time, she didn’t get the word“critically”either. This word simply
eluded her or we may say, she didn’t consciously select the word“critically”for
processing while listening to the mini-lecture (Table7.4).
Table 7.4 Retelling protocols related to Gap Type 1-Key-point gaps of 2013 TEM 8
Protocol 1 (Gap No. 2; Wrong answer;
TEM 4: 77; TEM 8 Mini: 2.5)
Wang: The second characteristic isreflection and
think,think deep or what, and explained what means
reflection. Reflection means you are thinking during
reading or what
Protocol 2 (Gap No. 2; Correct answer;
TEM 4: 82; TEM 8 Mini: 3.5)
Zhuo: The second characteristic is that active
learnersreflect on what they have learned and they
think critically. Being reflective and thinking
critically is crucial in active learning
Protocol 3 (Gap No. 2; Correct answer;
TEM 4: 77; TEM 8 Mini: 4.5)
Wei: The second category is beingreflective,
reflectiveness, active reader will read with,read
reflectively, and critically. Then, I forgot while I am
thinking how to express my understanding
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