Testing Lecture Comprehension Through Listening-to-summarize Cloze Tasks

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Differences: In the protocols, we have found that only the second participant and
fourth participant recalled the relevant information regarding the seventh gap in
2013 TEM 8 Mini-lecture Task:“active learners don’t question everything, but they
do evaluate what they read and hear. When new information fails tofit in with what
they already know, they maydiffer in the conclusions they draw or the inferences
they make”(original script). But their retelling protocols are different. Zhuo said:
“they may differ from the conclusions and inferences they made”, which is rather
the verbatim of the original script while Gao’s retelling is her own paraphrase of the
original:“they will jump to the different conclusion”. Theoretically, Zhuo’s pro-
tocol is more accurate, but the propositional units didn’t retain in her mind, for she

Table 7.7 (continued)

Zhuo: That is why I didn’t understand it. I thought
differ can’t follow a person. Something differs from
or something differs from,“a”differs from“b”...I
didn’t know that you can use somebody differ in
R: So it’s sort of contradictory to your prior
Zhuo: Yeah
R: And this is the reason you didn’t write it down
Zhuo: Yeah
Protocol 3 (Gap No. 7; Correct answer;
TEM 4: 81; TEM 8 Mini: 4)

Tan: Um. The next characteristic is to question on
information. Um, an active learner may constantly
question on information, but a passive learner will
simply take either the professor’s words or the
printed information as truth
Tan: Um...when new information does notfitin
with their, like long knowledge, they would...
R: Would what?
Tan: Oh, yeah, active learners will not question
everything and the new information does notfit in,
they will like, maybe start to question it?
R: Can you recall something else?
Tan:I know I missed this sentence, but I cannot
recall it, though I wrote it in notes
Protocol 4 (Gap No. 7; Correct answer;
TEM 4: 72; TEM 8 Mini: 6.5)

Gao: Active learners will question what they read
and listen, but passive learners accept all they read
and listen on the print page, all the lecturer said
R: They accept all as what?
Gao: As information
R: What kind of information? They accept them as
Gao: Important information
R: Ok
Gao: Active learners don’t question everything. And
when they faced something different from their
original existing idea, they willjump to the different

7.3 Consistency Between Phase 1 and Phase 2 115

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