explain 68.518% of the total while all the remaining factors are not significant. In
addition, the Scree Plot (see Fig.5.1) presents a quite noticeable“bend”right after
Factor 2 and another tiny one after Factor 4, so the safest cutoff is at the fourth
factor. Rotated Component (Factor) Matrix of Teachers’
Questionnaire Data
The purpose of rotation is to reduce the number factors on which the variables
under investigation have high loadings and hence rotation does not interfere with
the original data but only makes the interpretation of the analysis easier and clearer.
Here in the following table of Rotated Component Matrix (see Table5.8), in order
to clarify the factor structure, the smaller coefficients below the absolute value
0.050 are suppressed and the coefficient display format is sorted out by size. The
table shows that items 9, 11, 13, 15, items 16–19, items 24 and 25 are substantially
loaded on Factor 1, items 31–35 loaded on Factor 2, item 1 to item 6 loaded on
Factor 3 and items 22, 23 and items 26–30 loaded on Factor 4.
Judging from the table of main factors (see Table5.9), it is undeniable that the
first main factor is quite dominant in explaining the total variance and establishing
the questionnaire construct. What is this factor? First, most of the items under
Factor 1 center upon identifying key points of the lecture through macro discourse
markers, such as items 16, 17 and 18 which are most heavily loaded on Factor 1
(above 0.7); other highly related items include: items 8 and 9 mainly dealing with
key points and concepts; items 11, 12 and 19 concerned with the main idea of the
Fig. 5.1 Scree plot of factors in teacher questionnaire.................
5.5 Results of Questionnaire Survey 53