Researching Higher Education in Asia History, Development and Future

(Romina) #1


Researching Higher Education in Asia not only points out the problems but
makes a strong case for the importance of understanding postsecondary education
in Asia. Understanding and analysis require good data—statistics, research studies,
and commentary. If postsecondary education is to be successful and serve the needs
of ever-increasing numbers as well as the requirement for scientific research that
contributes to the global knowledge society, a higher education research infrastruc-
ture is needed throughout Asia.
A few countries such as Japan and China have both good statistical information
about postsecondary education and some research capacity. Other Asian countries
need to develop research institutes, academic specialists, training programs, and the
other requirements for understanding postsecondary education.

Philip G. Altbach

Foreword: The Centrality of Research on Higher Education
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