Classic Dirt Bike — Autumn 2017

(Ron) #1
masscarved away in an attemptto reducethe
all up massof the bike. Despitethis, Greeves
were not too keen on Smith’sattemptsand
he eventuallyleft to go to Montesa who were
moreappreciative of his talents.Miller too
had alreadyrealisedatwo-strokewas the way
forward and had been contracted by Bultaco
to herald anew era in trials riding.Asfor
GordonJacksonand JohnnyBrittain, both lads
had arrived at the end of their careersbythis
time and were soon bothtoretire fromtop
line riding.
Certainlythe two-strokewas the coming
thing and the Britishmanufacturinggiant BSA
oughtto have been in apositionto capitalise
on thisastheyhad the Bantamin theirrange.
Adesign originatingin Germanyand taken up
by BSA in the Forties –any numberof young
ridersbegan their motorcycling on such a
machine.BSA even producedacompetition

version whichdiffered slightly from the
roadsterinthe mostminorofdetails,in fact
theyhad four versionsof it availablein their
1954 catalogue. Still it wasseen as only
somethingto encouragenewriderstotry the
dirtyside of life before moving up to aproper–
read ‘four-stroke’ –machine.
It wasagreatshametheydidn’ttreat the
conceptwithalittle moreseriousness as
Francis-Barnett had almost managed afull
SSDTwin at that timeontheir Villiers-engined
trials bike. Notthattheydidn’t keep producing
trials Bantams, butmore the ones they
did were to win capacityclassesand were
generallyworks specials, hand-built to do a
job. Sadly,for two-strokeenthusiastsand there
were agrowingnumberof trialsriders at least
who realisedthebenefits of an inherently light
motorcycle,tomakethe projectviableBSA
wouldhave to had manufactured manymore

machinesthan there wasdemandfor.
Even lateroninthe lifeofthe Bantam,
when Dave Rowlands, Mick Bowersand Alan
Morewoodrode atrio of superblyprepared
175 Bantamsin the 1967SSDTand Rowlands
had comewithinawhisker of winning the
trial, beatenonly by SammyMiller and his
Bultaco,BSA were not prepared to sanction a
productionrun of replicas.
Speakingto Don Morley for Don’s book
ClassicBritish Two-StrokeTrials Bikes, BSA’s
compboss Brian Martin told how hardhe
workedtopersuade the company to be
involvedin the trials scene.Knowing his
employerswould look at costsfirs thetackled
the problemusingas manyoff-the-shelf parts
as possible.Takingthe BantamBushmanasa
starting point,he dumpedthe standardforks
and put thosefromaC15Ton,fittedwheels
from the works C15Ts which were basically

is alreadysmallandlightandhasan
advantagefromthestart becauseofthis.

Airfilterhoseis well grippedwithJubilee


Justbecauseyourbikeis pre-65doesn’tmeanall
ofthekit onit hastobeold,anynumberofkick-



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