Drain theoil out–be careful not to undo
thekick-start spring instead of thedrain
plug.Ifyou do,the engineneeds to be
stripped to reassemble it.
Thesepiddlinglittlebearingsare notreally
up to thejob,evenwithconstant lubrication
they canstick in theirrecessesand then all
thefacecam candoisslide rather than roll.
This didmeanthe rear of thebacking plate
needed relieving alittlesoitcould sitflat
inside thenew recess.
Behold, theclutch. It’s worthcleaning
theplatestoo whenyou’rethisfar in to
theprimary side. They canget sticky so
afew moments withsomeclutchcleaneris
worththe effort.
This badboy soon shiftedthe original
ramp andallowed thecase to accept the
backing platefromthe Apriliakit.Oncethe
machinisthadfinished it wasanicepress-fitinto
So,alittle modification afterafew seconds’
thought,bythe talented machinistand
welder who didthe fancystuff,whileI
stood andnoddedsagely.
Thereare precise lengthstoCan-Amcase
screws, getthem wrongand thescrew will
punchahole in theinner casting,which is
bad.Thisbit of cardboardwithabasic case outline
will ensure thescrewsare in theright order.
These10mmdiameterballs used on the
Apriliaversion aremuchbetterand will allow
alighter movementasthe actuatingarm is
longertoo.The end where thenipplesitswill need
atweak to holdthe cablethe other waythough.
Andhereitis, sitting in place. It wasatthis
point therealisation dawnedthatthe part
of thearm which holdsthe cablenipple
wouldn’t be in line,oratleast not as nicely in line
as it couldbe.
Theoriginalclutchactuatorcan be seen here,
it’s heldinplace by aspring andthe arm
return is helpedbyacoil spring.Inthe ordinary
worlditworks, is abit heavy butokay, in an enduro
with constantusage it gets tiresome really quickly.
Note thetappedbossstill in placesothe
clutch adjuster hasthe standard amountof
thread to screwintofor maximumstrength.
Here it is in place. Yesitworks, only slight
cloudisthe face spring,ifanyoneknows of
aspring stockist with aselection of small
springsthenplease letmeknow.
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