Classic Dirt Bike — Autumn 2017

(Ron) #1
Just aquick emailto congratulateyou on the
Broadslidepublication,averygood volume
of work. Coveringpersonaland technical
Thankstoo for the article on our WSRA
(World SpeedwayRiders’ Association)
NationalSpeedwayMuseumat Paradise
WildlifePark,verywell doneand let’shope
that it will encouragesomemorevisitorsto
comealongas it is the only pure speedway
museumopento the publicall year round.
Thereare manyother museumsand private
collectionswhichfeaturespeedwaybut they
usuallyfeatureothermotorcyclestoo or they
are not accessibleto the generalpublic.
Lots of interestingphotographsin the
four-pagearticle on the museum,plus Eric
Boocock’stwo-valveJawa,but you missed
my last 4-valveJawa,tartan TT Leathers
and varioustartan-paintedBell helmetsbut
that’sokay, you did agood job of bringing
the museumto life.
Youmay alreadybe aware that next year,
February2018, will be the 90th anniversary
of whenspeedway, (or dirttrack racingas
it wasthen called)beganat High Beech
in EppingForest, not far from whereour
museumis situated.

EveryFebruary, we have the annual,
“Celebrationof Speedway” exhibitionat
ParadiseWildlifePark to markthe occasion
and this year,wehad over 1,500people
attendingon the Sunday. We use the
car parkfor boothswith bikes, leathers,
memorabiliaand somespeedwayteams
comealongto promotetheir newseason.
The museumis open(obviously!)and we
also have the big events marqueewherewe
have stallssellingold programmes,photos,
books,DVDs, etc and we have astage for
rider interviews throughoutthe day.
Thereis also apit area outsideand on
the hour,everyhour,westartupsome of
the olderunsilencedDouglas,Rudgeand
Jap machinesand that wonderfulsmellof
Castrol‘R’fills the air.
Next year,being the 90th anniversary, we
are working on someideasto trytomake
the event even morespecial,so if you put
the date,Sunday, February18, 2018in your
diary, you maywant to comealongand enjoy
the day.



PraiseindeedBert, thankyouforthe

Iread with interestyour article on yet
anotherworks BSA –Mart’sBeesa.It is
veryimportant (to me at least)that as
manydetailsas possibleare gleaned
at this time as the witnessesare
fast disappearing.
Afew observationsif Imay –thefirs tis
that both this and Sid’sbikeare derived
from the BSA Victor GP as opposedto the
productionC15Twhichusedthe heavier
frameof the Victor Enduroamongstothers.
To makeitmore suitablefor trials,the
wheelbaseis shortenedbyfitting the
swingingarmfrom the Enduro/C15T/Victor
Specialetc, whichis an inch shorter than
the GP and by puttingan extradegreeor
two into the top yoke. Youcan see the rake
on the veryfirs tbig picture–daylight at top
yokegreaterthan bottom.Also you will note
the chainguardisfixed to the welded-on
bosson the swingingarm.
The pictureof the threebrothersisvery
revealingas it showsthe painted(yellow)
GP tank completewith bungon Sid’s
bike–Ithink Mart’sone wasalso yellow
in this picture;it mighthave beenpainted
whitelater,and it wouldhave had the tank
with the bung–theyhavedone away with
the airbox(too heavy) and use abit of
fabricto shieldthe airfilter and electrics

from the mud.The works enginesall had
adistinctivepointscover turned from a
lumpof alloy–this is abit of asecretto
distinguishworks bits –both Sid’sand
Martin’sbikes had them.
Worksbikes tendedto have nickel-plated
frames–both do –the platingbath was
right next to the compshop.
The forks are interestingas theyare
bolt-upend caps and are chrome-plated
–again aworks thing–Idon't knowthe
originof the forks but theyare longerthan
Youshow apictureof the bulb horn
situatedadjacentto the seat loop of the GP
frame–unusedfor the trialsseat as they
were attemptingto keep the seat lower –
this loop wascut off the works scrambles
bikes in 1967.
Both hubswouldbe Bantam–being so
muchlighterthan others.
Iwould saythat Martin’sbikewas
as muchaworks bikeasany other–it
has bits only availablefrom the comps
departmentand it wouldhave beendifficult
to get hold of aGPframeat that time.At
aroundthis time,perhapsalittle later,
ScottEllis had aGPframedC15 –itwould
eventuallytransmogrifyinto the Otter.
Somebikes werefittedwith ascrambles

cam, whichmadeit abit livelyto ride –
henceyou usuallysawthe works BSAstake
sectionsat speed!
The frameshowssignsof someone
addingbrackets for bits and piecesand the
ignitionsystemwouldhave beenenergy
transfer–which the works mechanicstook
alot of troubleto set up and whichdid
work, so Iamtold.
Thankyou for averyinterestingarticle.

Sideways on

Lampkin Beezer


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