Houses Australia — Issue 118 2017

(Grace) #1




iscovering Studio Truly Truly was
one of those moments when you
know it is right from the start.”
It is a quote that could come from
anyone who has experienced the work
of this Australian couple, now based in
Rotterdam, the Netherlands, though here
it comes from Michael Murray, director
of Melbourne-based Rakumba Lighting.
Michael, and Rakumba, are embarking
on an extensive journey with Joel and
Kate Booy of Studio Truly Truly, after
meeting them in Milan in April 2017.
And the underlying design concept for
the new lighting collection, which is due
to be released in early 2018, is a fitting
metaphor for this rapidly emerging studio.
The forthcoming collection was

Australians Joel and Kate Booy of the
Netherlands-based Studio Truly Truly
create furniture and products that are
a “breath of fresh air,” rich with graphic
interplay and material explorations.

Words by Marcus Piper

“inspired by the way two characters look
side by side. Individually they look nothing
alike, but together they create something
interesting,” says Joel. Having studied
graphic design, the pair taught typography
in their home town of Brisbane, and it
comes as no surprise that their work projects
the inherent processes of printing and the
more graphic nature of design.
Reaching for a sample that has been
double-hit with a coat of powder, Joel is
clearly excited by the duotone – an effect
easily created through traditional printing.
He is quick to admit that “manufacturers
hate the idea, but we said ‘just do it and let
the colours mix.’ The form of the Seismic
tables is drawn from what we expected from
the process and how the graphic would
affect the outcome.”
Exploring the couple’s work further,
with projects like the Dark Matter Light
Collection or Soundskins for Dutch brand
LEFF Amsterdam, Kate adds: “There is a
visual texture that might not be visible from
a distance, but there is also the texture of

colour.” It is a layering evident in their
recent PS Sofa for IKEA, comprising a
series of patterned cushions that, in
unison, convey their own topography,
though on closer inspection reveal a
deeper consideration.
Similarly, the couple’s Daze Side Table
and Wove Chair take their understanding
of composition and graphic language to
the next level, blending form and colour
in unexpected ways. As Michael suggests:
“Studio Truly Truly’s work is a breath of
fresh air. They have obvious strengths in
graphic and industrial design and these
are complemented by their strong material
explorations. The fact that they are
Australians working internationally
aligns with us, as does their decorative
yet technical way of thinking.”
The couple drew their name from the
possibilities of growth and a commitment
to staying true to their ideals, and it will
be intriguing to watch how these two
characters progress – side by side.


01 Joel and Kate Booy
of Studio Truly Truly.

02 The Wove Chair blends
colour and form in
unexpected ways,
presenting a delicate
graphic interplay
between the bent wires.

03 The Daze Side Tables
were inspired by hazy
light streaming through
a crack and are available
in two sizes.

04 The PS Sofa for IKEA is
reminiscent of a fluffy
cloud and allows the
user to attach cushions
as they please.


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