Dynamic Photo HDR

(Maurizio Gaiani) #1
Creating HDR 23

This may look somehow complicated already, but now imagine that the center of rotation for each
angle is in real life hardly in the center of our camera as on our image. Very often it will be somewhere
else, probably outside the camera body. Fixing for this would be normally impossible because we can't
easily determine these data.

However we created a simple to use process called Pin Warping, that is unique because it can fix any
of the camera movement and perfectly align even "stubborn" images.

The basic idea is simple. Imagine the image is a stretched cloth. We align one part of the image, then
Pin it down, move to another part of the image and then align and Pin it down as well. The Pins placed
around the image will hold the particular offset at that place and gradually stretch, shrink or warp the
image to fit into the offset at different pins.

The Red balls are the pins, the red rectangles are our views. We see that as we align image at the
center of each view, then pin it down and move the view to another part of the image and repeat, the
image will warp and each significant part of the image will be in alignment.

The Actual process.
You can start from center of the image.
Align the image at the center with normal methods using Horizontal and Vertical offset. If you suspect
a roll angle, you may try to adjust also that (however, it is better to use it only if there is a strong, visible

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