Pets Australia — October-November 2017

(Jacob Rumans) #1

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PETS | News



How many people have commented on
your pet’s shiny coat lately? The outward
appearance of cats and dogs indicates a
lot about their internal health. A shiny
coat and healthy skin are strong indicators
that your pet’s diet is meeting their
nutritional needs. On the other hand, if
your pet’s coat is dull or they have fl aky
skin, it could be a sign they are lacking
essential nutrients.
Your cat’s skin and coat utilises a
significant amount of the nutrients from
their diet, particularly protein and fatty
acids, as well as specific vitamins and
minerals. Did you know that the skin and
coat are made up of approximately 95 per
cent protein? With this in mind, it is not
surprising that even subtle changes to our
pets’ diets, and even to their health, can

have a striking impact on their appearance.
The people at ROYAL CANIN® know
that each individual cat and dog has its
own specifi c nutritional needs. Diff erent
factors such as age, breed and lifestyle can
contribute to various sensitivities, which
can impact your pet’s wellbeing. All ROYAL
CANIN® food for cats provides everything
they need to be nutritionally healthy on the
inside and look their best on the outside. The
Feline Care Nutrition range of wet and dry
diets has been designed to support specifi c
sensitivities, including hairballs, weight gain,
urinary issues, sensitive digestion or dental
concerns. For cats with sensitive skin or those
prone to dandruff , ROYAL CANIN® off ers a
specifi c Hair & Skin Care diet.
As pet owners, our cats and dogs rely on us
to notice if they are not looking their best or
behaving normally. Inner health starts with a
good diet, but it’s also important to consult a
veterinarian if you notice any changes in your
pet, and schedule regular check-ups.
For more pet advice, visit healthypets.

Photo: PHOTO CREO Michal Bednarek/

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