Pets Australia — October-November 2017

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Fabulous felines | PETS 33

the great outdoors in a safe way. Of course,
once night time falls, your outdoor cat should
be encouraged to stay at home.

    If you want your cat to live a long and healthy life,
    another important step is to fi nd a good vet —
    and pay them regular visits. “Cats age faster than
    humans, so a vet check once a year is like a human
    going to the doctor for a check-up only once
    every four years. A lot can happen in that time, so
    it is important to have annual vet visits so that the
    vet can update their vaccinations and check their
    whole body, especially teeth, heart, weight, joints,
    eyes, ears and skin,” Dr Bronwen says.
    Dr Gloria agrees that annual check-ups at the
    very least are essential for your cat, but these
    may need to become more frequent as your pet
    gets older. “Don’t rely on Facebook, Dr Google
    or pet care forums. Cats are so good at hiding
    their health problems so if they are not quite
    right, you can bet something is brewing. Often
    an owner cannot detect what is wrong because
    signs of ill health can be very gradual and they
    don’t notice it, or owners say ‘he is getting old’
    so it’s what you expect,” she says.
    Parasite prevention is also crucial, ensuring
    that your cat is protected against worms,
    fleas and other nasties. Your vet will be able
    to advise you on the best parasite prevention
    plan for your pet.

    Just like people, every cat has their own unique
    personality quirks and behaviours. While one
    cat may love nothing more than snuggling up
    in your lap on the lounge, for example, another
    might feel much more at home when given his
    own space in which to relax.

With this in mind, the next secret to a happy
cat is to tailor your home to your cat’s needs
and preferences. Not only will your cat love
you for it, but doing so could also make life
easier on you.
“The best thing I ever bought my cat
was the ScoopFree self-cleaning litter tray,
which I bought from PETstock. My cat also
prefers to drink from running water and was
always jumping into the bathtub, shower or
sink to drink from the tap — until I bought
him a Drinkwell water fountain, which is his
favourite,” Dr Bronwen says.
You can also buy toys and other accessories
that match your cat’s play preferences. For
example, wand toys encourage running and
chasing, interactive food toys provide mental
stimulation, and climbing structures give your
pet the perfect opportunity to look down on
the world from up high.
By taking your cat’s needs and wants into
account, you can help make each day of his life
that little bit better.

    The fi nal secret to creating a happy cat is a whole
    lot of TLC. However, Dr Jo explains that all cats
    are diff erent in their demands for aff ection.
    “For most, interaction with an owner is a
    must. Cats love us. They may not show it as
    obviously as dogs do but most love to be near
    their owners,” she says.
    Dr Bronwen also points out that while
    giving your cat lots of love is vital, there are
    plenty of diff erent ways you can show your
    aff ection. “Love and attention are hugely
    important — this may not need to be physical
    hugs and cuddles, as although some cats are
    very aff ectionate, others like to have their
    own space. But love and attention also means
    regular brushing, feeding them a healthy diet,
    watching their weight, paying attention to their
    behaviour to pick up on any signs of illness, and
    of course annual vet checks,” she says.
    Once you have built a strong relationship
    with your cat and developed an understanding
    of their needs, you’ll be able to provide all the
    care and love your feline friend requires for a
    long, happy and healthy life.

Don’t forget that your cat
must have access to a clean
litter tray at all times.

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