Pets Australia — October-November 2017

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Fabulous felines | PETS 37

You’ve left out a fresh bowl of pristine water
for your cat to drink, but when he gets thirsty
you find him trying to take a sip from your
dripping bathroom tap — why?
“Some cats prefer running water over
stagnant water as this is more likely to be
clean of debris and bacteria and it will taste
better,” Dr Bronwen says. “My cat prefers to
drink from running water and was always
jumping into the bathtub, shower or sink to
drink from the tap”— until she bought him
a pet water fountain.
Dr Jo says that cats have an ability to ‘taste
water’ and often do not enjoy water straight
from the tap. “Filtered water may taste better,
as may rainwater or water flowing from a tap.

Plus, they often don’t drink water that’s placed
next to their food, so it’s important that you
have several watering spots throughout the
home,” she says.

Have you ever noticed your cat go from zero
to 100 in an instant? From lazing around the
house with seemingly not a care in the world,
all of a sudden he’s up on his feet, sprinting
here and there and jumping around like
a maniac. Then, before you can so much
as tell him to take it easy, he’s settled right
back down again and looks like you’d need

Cats love curling up.

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