Cook Vegan — September 2017

(ff) #1

For the vegan parmesan:
• 140g (1 cup) raw almonds
• 3 tbp nutritional yeast
• ½ tsp garlic powder
• ¼ tsp sea salt

1 Place cashews in a bowl and cover with
water. Let soak for 2-3 hours to help aid in
digestion. Preheat oven to 220° C (Gas Mark
7, 425°F).

2 Slice onions and place in skillet over low-
medium heat. Since onions have a high
water content, they really do not need to be
cooked with any oil. I like to let them start
cooking and then add a splash of water if
they start to stick. Once they have started to
soften and brown, mix in the pine nuts and
reduce heat to low.

3 Rinse and drain mushrooms. Slice and
place in frying pan over low-medium heat.
I also don’t feel the need to add any oil to
the mushrooms, so just cover the pan and
continue to stir and the mushrooms will
start to soften and brown. Reduce heat to

4 Place sun-dried tomatoes onto cutting
board and julienne. While vegetables are
cooking, prepare your sauce by straining
and rinsing soaked cashews and placing
them in a blender along with chopped
tomatoes, tomato paste, garlic and water.
Blend until smooth. Pour sauce from
blender into separate bowl and set aside.

5 Prepare vegan parmesan by placing
almonds, nutritional yeast, garlic
powder, and salt into the food processor
and blending to form a fine meal like
consistency. Then place into a separate
container in the fridge to keep fresh.

6 Sprinkle flour or corn meal on pizza
stone if needed and place dough on stone
(or simply follow cooking instructions on
package if using a store bought crust).

7 With a ladle or big spoon, spread sauce
evenly over dough until you’ve reached
your desired amount (you will have extra,
which you can store in the fridge for later
use. This sauce is also great over pasta).

8 Using a utensil (or your hands), top your
pizza with onions and pine nuts. Then add
mushrooms and sun-dried tomatoes.

9 Place pizza in the oven for approximately
10-12 minutes. This will change depending
on which dough you use. Some may be a
couple minutes less, some may be more.

10 Once your pizza has finished cooking,
take it out of the oven and let it cool.

  • Recipe and image supplied by Natalie Archer

Per 100g
Calories 332, Fat 22g, Saturates 2.8g,
Carbohydrates 18g, Sugars 3.3g,
Protein 13g, Salt 0.39g
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