Cook Vegan — September 2017

(ff) #1

Food For Thought


English businesswoman, activist and skiing world
record holder, Heather Mills, talks to Cook Vegan
about how she fuels her busy lifestyle...

Heather Mills

Tell us a little bit about your journey into veganism...
I discovered veganism in 1994 from a friend who had healed herself
of breast cancer. My leg was about to be chopped off above the
knee after many previous amputations in the prior weeks and she
said veganism would heal me and it did..

How has plant-based fuel impacted your Alpine skiing?
Without it I would not be a world speed record holder at the age of
49 years old, simple as. It is the ultimate fuel for the best energy.

What is your favourite source of plant-based protein?
At the moment hemp protein shakes and quinoa homemade bread.

What’s your favourite summer dish?
Homemade raspberry ripple coconut ice cream..

Any vegan food tips for our readers?
Yes, one of the things people don’t talk about enough is when your
body has a weak digestive system or is not used to a huge amount
of raw salad or vegetables, you can get a lot of digestive discomfort
and bloating. To help this transitional period or digestive disorders
I highly recommend taking digestive enzymes with your food.
Hydrochloric acid and pepsin capsules are are amazing for a weak
digestive system rather than taking Gaviscon and medication to
suppress acid. A lot of people are misdiagnosed with acid reflux
and actually need more acid.

Meal Plan

Oat bran with oat milk and maple syrup.
At 11am I have some hemp protein powder.

VBites Vegan duck or chicken in a
wholemeal wrap/mixed veg or avocado
sushi. Miso soup or Thai rice noodles.

Quinoa and vegetables. I love roasted
asparagus when it’s in season and broccoli
and spinach nuts..My Favourite is Vbites
Gammon with rice pasta or roast potatoes.
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