Cook Vegan — September 2017

(ff) #1

However, you can also grind the grain into
a flour to make fruit buckwheat bread or a
healthier pancake.

Spelt: If you wake up feeling
a little under the weather,
this grain will help boost
your immunity, aid
digestive function,
lower blood sugar
and improve bone
health. In fact, spelt
is also believed to
aid the creation of
sexual hormones too.
Packed with carbs, fibre,
protein, selenium, folic
acid, iron, copper, vitamin B6
and niacin — you can use spelt
to make morning muffins, cookies, bread,
waffles and even cake.

Farro: This grain is for the mornings you can
spend a little more time than usual prepping
breakie. Bring farro to the boil in a saucepan
with water for 20 minutes then add to any
kind of breakfast combo bowl you fancy.
Its nutty taste means it’s suitable for both
sweet and savoury pairings. Like many
other grains, it’s an excellent source of fibre,
protein, iron and magnesium. However, it is
not gluten-free.

Kamut: Known as kamut or Korean wheat,
this type of Egyptian grain has 30 per cent
more protein than normal wheat and a
larger amount of essential fatty acids. With
a rich nutty flavour and a chewy texture,
this high energy grain is great to sprinkle on
top of your superfood smoothie to provide
you with consistent energy throughout the

Amaranth: These edible starchy seeds,
similar to cereal are a nutritious grain
to sneak into your porridge, smoothie,
breakfast muffins or cookies. The protein
in amaranth is more digestible than other
seeds and grains and it’s also known to have
properties which prevent inflammation, high
cholesterol and even premature grey hairs.

Chia: Possibly the smallest seeds you’ll ever
get your hands on — chia has become one
of the most popular superfoods amongst
many health brigades. Versatile, nutrient
dense and packed with power boosting
energy; you can use chia as the main
ingredient to a breakfast dish or a topping.
You can use chia to make; overnight chia
pudding, chia scones, chia jam, chia muffins,

chia smoothies, chia cookies, chia tortillas
and chia pancakes. So, how have they
earned their superfood title? Well, there
are numerous studies that suggest
because of the high mineral,
vitamin, anti-oxidant,
omega 3, fibre and protein
contents, this seed
can prevent the skin
from aging, improve
digestive health,
boost metabolism
and contribute to the
building of stronger
bones and muscle.

Proats (protein powder added
to porridge), porridge, pancakes,
overnight oats, smoothies, cookies, muffins
and oat bars — oatmeal’s uses first thing in
the morning are endless. Containing more
protein and natural fat that most grains, oats
are one of the most nutrient-dense foods
you can serve for breakfast. They contain
large amounts of beta-glucan, a type of
soluble fibre
known to reduce
blood sugar and
insulin response
whilst increasing
growth of good
gut bacteria. Plus,
they are great
carbohydrate to
stop you snacking
and keep you
satisfied until your
next meal time.

Granola: Usually
consisting of
rolled oats, nuts,
other grains
and natural
sweeteners —
granola is usually
a high fibre
breakfast packed
with sugar and
to kick start your
day. If you have a
busy day ahead
and aren’t sure
when your next
meal time is going
to be, adding


Not a fan of grains?
If grains really aren’t something
you fancy tucking into when
you wake-up there are healthy
alternatives. As long as you stick
to a high protein and low sugar
combo you can reap the benefits
of morning fuel. There are plant-
based sausages, vegetables like
spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes,
aubergine and sweet potato that
will provide you with a good
hit of protein and slow
releasing energy.

granola to nut milk, smoothie bowls or vegan
yogurts is a great way to store slow releasing
energy that can prevent your body from
burning out throughout the day.

Muesli: Based on raw rolled oats and
other ingredients like grains, fresh or dried
fruits, seeds and nuts — museli typically is
a low sugar and high fibre breakfast good
for those who are trying to lose weight or
regulate their digestive system. Potent with
antioxidants, protein and essential omega-3
fatty acids adding granola to your smoothie,
supermarket cereal or vegan yogurt can
enhance the nourishment of your body first
thing in the morning.

Supermarket Cereal: Be careful when
opting for supermarket cereal like cornflakes,
chocolate pops and other flakes. A lot of
boxed branded cereal contains high amounts
of refined sugar — something that is going to
spike your blood glucose levels, slow down
the metabolism and potentially provide your
with a short burst of energy opposed to a
consistent flow throughout the morning.
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