Cook Vegan — September 2017

(ff) #1



Serves: 1

• 50g (½ cup) gluten-free rolled oats
• 35g (⅓ cup) blueberries or raspberries,
frozen or fresh
• 3-4 tbsp unsweetened vanilla almond
or hemp milk
• 1 tsp maca powder
• 1 tsp chia seeds
• 1 tsp ground flaxseed
• ¼-½ tsp cinnamon
• 250ml (1 cup + 1 tbsp) water
• ½ tsp vanilla

For the toppings:
• 2 tbsp chopped walnuts or pecans (or
sub nut/seed butter)
• 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes
• 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
• 1 tbsp cacao nibs
• 1 tsp hemp seeds
• Drizzle of maple syrup for added
sweetness (optional)

1 In a small saucepan, pour in the oats and
water and cook on medium-high heat.

2 Once the water has started to boil,
add chia and flaxseeds, maca powder,
cinnamon, and vanilla then stir all
ingredients together to combine and
reduce heat to medium-low.

3 Next add berries and cook for another
another 2 minutes or until you reach your
desired oatmeal consistency.

4 Pour oats into a bowl and top with
chopped nuts (or nut/seed butter),
coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, cacao nibs,
hemp seeds, and almond or hemp milk.

  • Recipe and image supplied by Natalie Archer

Per 100g
Calories 328, Fat 20g, Saturates 5.8g,
Carbohydrates 25g, Sugars 5.5g,
Protein 9.3g, Salt 0.04g
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