Cook Vegan — September 2017

(ff) #1


With just roasted cauliflower, homemade
cashew milk, salt and pepper, this is a
healthy alternative to mashed potatoes.

Serves: 2 as a side

• 1 head cauliflower, chopped
and roasted
• 240 ml (1 cup) cashew milk
• 1 tsp salt
• ¼ tsp ground black pepper

1 Place warm cauliflower, milk, salt and
pepper into the Vitamix container in the
order listed and secure the lid.

2 Select Variable 1. Turn machine on slowly
and increase speed to the highest speed.

3 Blend for 30 seconds. Serve immediately.

  • Recipe and image supplied by

Per 100g
Calories 33, Fat 0.7g, Saturates 0g,
Carbohydrates 3.4g, Sugars 2.2g,
Protein 2.5g, Salt 0.05g


There’s nothing quite like a good old roast
dinner (even if it is summer). This chickpea
roast loaf transforms the British classic into
a wholesome vegan alternitve.

• 15ml (1 tbsp) olive oil
• 1 medium red oinion, finely chopped
• 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
• 80g (½ cup)carrot, peeled and grated
• 150g (1 cup) courgette, grated
• 1 tsp tahini

•   Zest of half lemon
• Juice of a whole lemon
• Dash of tamari or soy sauce
• 2tsp mixed herbs, finely chopped
• 1 tin of chickpeas
• 1 tin of cannellini beans
• Black pepper to serve

1 Line a small loaf tin measuring approx.
17cm x 7cm with greaseproof paper. Pre-
heat the oven to 200 ̊C (Gas Mark 6/400 ̊F).

2 Place the vegetables into a large

saucepan along with oil. Stir and then place
on the lid. Leave them to sweat over low
heat until softened, stirring occasionally.
This will take around 15 minutes.

3 Add the tahini, your choice of tamari or
soy sauce, lemon zest, lemon juice and
mixed herbs, stir well to combine.

4 Place the beans and chickpeas into
a food processor and blend until fairly
smooth. If you don’t have a food processor,
mash the beans and chickpeas with a fork
or potato masher until smooth.

5 Add the bean mixture to the vegetable
mixture, stir to combine and season with
black pepper to taste (you shouldn’t need
salt because of the tamari/soy sauce).

6 Scrape the mixture into the prepared loaf
tin and smooth the top. Bake in the pre-
heated oven for around 45 minutes until
golden and firm to the touch.

7 Serve with fluffy roast potatoes and
blanched carrots, broccoli and green beans.

  • Recipe and image supplied by blogger Vicki Montague,
    Free From Fairy and Currys PC World.

Per 100g
Calories 89, Fat 2.6g, Saturates 0.4g,
Carbohydrates 9.7g, Sugars 2.0g,
Protein 4.5g, Salt 0.15g
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