Cook Vegan — September 2017

(ff) #1


ast year, scientists published a
study in the American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition which proved
that you don’t have to be a
carnivore to achieve your goal
body. The researchers studied individuals
with a variety of diet plans and found 82
per cent of participants were getting their
RDA of protein, regardless of whether
they ate meat or not. In fact it was shown
that swapping meat and eggs for lentils,
nuts and legumes could add years to
someone’s life.
Now, for those of us who have been
members of the vegan community and
health brigade for a lengthy period of
time those facts might not come as a
surprise. However, for those thinking
of transitioning into a full time vegan
diet, it might be surprising that ‘gains’
are possible without eating meat. But
science just proved it.
In fact, if you want to see the face — or
perhaps more accurate, the body - of a
man who has used to plant-based food
to transform his mind, physique, health
and the planet, meet Adam Stansbury
(aka The Plant Powered PT). With an
Instagram profile plastered with plenty of
lean abdomen shots, hard core workouts
and wholesome, but hearty, grain-based
foods, The Plant Powered PT demolishes
any assumption that plant-based fuel
lacks protein.
We spoke to Adam to debunk the myth
that wholesome plant-based goodness
isn’t going to count under the squat
rack. It does. In fact, legumes, fruit and
vegetables benefit the body beyond
achieving a fashionable lean physique
non-vegans kill for.

Could you tell us a bit about
yourself and your journey into
plant-based living?
It has been quite a journey, but put
simply I was once a heavy meat-eating,
bodybuilding, and fitness show junkie
that in the past had suffered from
Ulcerative Colitis which led to having my
large intestine removed.
A few years later, I started to question
the sustainability of the life I was
leading. I turned to spiritual retreats,
the Amazon jungle, plant medicines
and watching several documentaries,
until I finally came to accept some home
truths about the exploitation of animals
and the environment, that for years
I’d conveniently ignored and brushed
under the carpet. Once I joined the dots, I

couldn’t and didn’t look back and here
I am today.

You offer a 21-day PT plant-based
plan. What’s so important about
opting for a plant-based diet to
transform your body?
Well the key point is that you
automatically remove acidic/health
damaging food groups such as processed
meats, highly-saturated animal products,

and dairy from your diet that can cause
weight gain, and health issues such as
diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and
add in nourishing nutrient dense foods
in the form of plants that have more of a
healing and alkalising effect on the body

In the years that you have been
practicing, what growth have you
witnessed in the area of plant-
based nutrition? Do you think
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