Cook Vegan — September 2017

(ff) #1

that interest in the subject will
continue to increase?
There’s been a huge national and global
shift in plant-based eating as it becomes
more mainstream and less shrouded
in mystery. More people are realising
that it makes sense to eat less meat and
more plants, for their health and the
Yes it’s going to get bigger, much
bigger.The issues we face today such as
over population, climate change and a
deeper understanding of the connectivity
we all have with nature, will have a
hand to play in the rise of plant-based
nutrition; the lid is off and it’s not going
back on anytime soon.

Have you ever had non-vegan
clients come to you, to use plant-
based food as a way to transform
their lifestyle, body and health?
Everyone who comes through my
website and contacts me these days

falls into a few categories, they
either want to go plant-based
but don’t know where to start,
they’ve just gone vegan and want
some direction, or they have been
vegan for years but aren’t happy
with their physiques and need a few
things fine- tuning to do with diet and
It’s quite incredible; once people
start searching out the information and
they are in the action part of the change
cycle, that health and life improvements
happen all the time, I offer a very all
inclusive, non-judgemental approach to
plant nutrition, which encourages people
through their journey, which makes it
I’ve helped a guy add 1kg of muscle
in a month; I’ve helped a lady fully
transition to a plant-based diet with my
eBook ‘From Meat to Plants’, and who
then went onto smash the 21 Day Plant
Powered Shred and get into great shape.

There’s many people who have come to
me and downloaded my eBook to help
them transition.”

Ditching animal product is great
for ethical reasons, but are there
any extra benefits of a plant-
based diet you can’t receive from
a non-vegan diet?
You just eat more plants so in many
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